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mazingerz88's avatar

Diorama of toy spaceships on the wall or the ceiling, how do you install it?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29344points) January 11th, 2013

My first option is using nylon fishing lines to hang them from the ceiling as they look transparent therefore creating the illusion they are untethered.

But I have a very low ceiling in the basement and I’m wondering whether there could be a wall support bracket I could buy or improvise upon as an acceptable alternative. Thanks for the help!

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3 Answers

SomeoneElse's avatar

I would suggest leaving the landing light on, but then noticed that you were in the basement and that messed up my initial thought! Sorry.

gasman's avatar

I’d get them as close to the wall or ceiling as you can without ruining the visual effect. (Is it too late to use forced perspective, w/ larger scale for foreground than background?) Then I’d rigidly attach them.

You could use speaker support brackets along the lines of this product. Or maybe just use long screws driven into screw anchors in the drywall of the wall or ceiling, though you’ll have to improvise the attachment points using small hardware or cement.

[edit] I thought of something else: Use wire coathanger stock to make several V-shaped or U-shaped brackets. Anchor both ends of each bracket in drywall by pre-drilling a slightly smaller holes. Several of these should prove rigid yet nearly invisible.

ETpro's avatar

With an image of space as the backdrop on the wall, @gasman‘s idea could yield a a really spectacular looking artwork.

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