Social Question

In your own personal opinion, do you think I am insane?
This is posted in the social section so there can be some humor, but I am mainly looking for serious answers here for once, so I ask that you please keep your main answer mostly serious, as I could use the clarity.
As some of you no doubt have noticed, I can be very extreme in some of my views. When expressing these views, a lot of people disagree with me.
I am used to people disagreeing with me, people have disagreed with me on all kind of things. Normally, I will start off thinking the person debating me is wrong, and will then perhaps start to see some valid points in their counter arguments, and in some cases, I may even come around to their way of thinking completely.
However, regarding my more extreme views, when people have debated me on it, I have failed to see any validity in their counter arguments on the matter.
It seems strange to me, that so many people, who I regard as sane and intelligent, totally disagree with me, on something that is so extreme, and that I would not see any validity in their counter arguments to my views. Specially, when these people seem to be arguing and making points, that most of the population make.
I have to ask myself, if it is possible that my views could be so extremely different, to so many other peoples views, without me being someone who is insane or not thinking right.
I am asking this question on this site, because I have only doubted my sanity while debating fellow members on this site, and always regarding my more extreme views.
I am not asking if I am normal. I know my arguments are not normal or popular, and I know they are not always totally logical, I am asking if I am insane.
When you see me making arguments, such as prisons should be abolished, governments should be disbanded, police should be challenged, and so on. What does that make you think about my mental health?
Do you see me as immature? angry? excentric? wrong? or do you perhaps see me polishing my rifle at the top of the clock tower?
From what you know of me from my time here and our interaction, do you think I’m probably insane at all?