When I was a kid, we would go to two different pizza places that featured music. It was so much fun.
The first one was Shakey’s, where they had a ragtime band with a fellow playing a banjo and another guy playing an upright piano. They also had a player piano there, in which you could put different rolls of music.
The other place had a hug pipe organ in the restaurant. My grandma played the piano and organ so we used to take her there, whenever she’d come to visit. It was really magical.
The other thing that my brother and I loved, was going to a real Halloween carnival at our school. They had games and little trinket prizes, like plastic bracelets and rubber monsters that you could wear on your fingers and fake jewel rings. They also had a cake walk, a bake sale and a parade of costumes. I remember getting so excited on Halloween day and running home from school with my friends, putting on our costumes and then hurrying our parents along to go back to the school yard for the carnival.
My nephew’s school is not allowed to do most of that. For one, they can’t have it on Halloween, or reference the word Halloween at all, so it has become a fall festival. They have baked goods that you can win, but they must be store bought, because they have to see exactly what is in the ingredients, because you can’t have any nuts around. Parents are not allowed to bake items to sell, so mostly there was store bought cake and packages of donuts. No fudge, no brownies, no snickerdoodles, no rice crispy treats, no peanut butter cookies with a kiss in the middle, no lemon pound cake, no pumpkin pie slices, no jelly-filled sugar cookies, no iced cookies shaped like stars, no shortbread cookies, no Mexican wedding cookies. Those are all things that you could purchase for a quarter to a dollar in a baggie laid out on a table. At my nephew’s festival, they ship in Little Caesar’s pizza and you can buy cans of soda and the whole time, loud “house music” is blaring over the PA system. It made me kind of sad.