How can some people be so stupid when it comes to animals?
Okay, so I know I’ve had my own head-smacking “Why didn’t I think of that” moments, but…
This guy bought a cat for his daughter. They tried one kind of dry food and one kind of wet food, assumed the cat didn’t like cat food and gave it cow’s milk. Said cat has eaten next to nothing for almost a month, and the guy is now saying the cat must be anorexic.
Are you fucking kidding me? Wouldn’t most people, after failing with one kind of food, be inclined to try other brands of cat food? How idiotic can you get?
Do a lot of people not know that cats have taste buds like humans? Just because you put it in front of me, doesn’t mean I’m going to eat it. Screw your Brussels sprouts and give me the taco. Dude, try more than one kind of food!!!
Okay, rant over, but how could somebody be that dumb?
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32 Answers
There are too many people in the world who want an animal as a fashion statement. I see it all the time with dogs. I take my dogs for a walk everyday and there is this one place I walk by that if the dog is in the backyard the dog will literally try to break down the fence and it has happened once and the dog frozen there ad the owner grabbed it. I’m like, “Your dog needs socializing and she needs a walk!” I mean really exercise in a 10ft by 10ft backyard? I’d be upset to if that was all I got to do all day.
Some people don’t think animals “need” us, but they really do. I see it like if you want an animal you have just basically added a toddler to your life for the 12+yrs, yes you feed them, clean up after them, bring them places, bath them exercise them, teach them, discipline them and play with them and they give you back the best friendship and love in return if you do it right.
That person obviously shouldn’t have an animal. :( I wish I could save the cat.
@nofurbelowsbatgirl Believe me, I’m already considering rescuing the poor thing, fattening her up, and finding her a good home.
@WillWorkForChocolate That really sucks. In my perfect world animals would have the perfect home one time. They dont deserve to be moved around, I wish I could do the same for kids too :/
I learned a long time ago once when I was young and stupid I had a beautiful bully dog and at the time my landlords threatened me to either get rid of the dog (because of the breed) or move out. Well I was a newly single mother didn’t have much money and had to surrender my dog. I have regretted that since then and I vowed it would never happen again. If I knew then what I know now I’d still have my dog, because what they did was pretty much illegal. So I guess sometimes even lack of life experience can make us stupid, I was stupid one time, but I know better and my animals today are getting what I wish I could of given to my Montana, I miss him and think of him often.
I wasn’t laughing at the hungry cat
Pretty sure him calling the cat anorexic is just his way of blowing off some steam and being frustrated.
@WillWorkForChocolate This is someone you know? How did they react when you told them what a stupid thing that was to do?
@glacial I didn’t call him stupid, but I did suggest trying multiple foods. He said he tried feeding her the same food she ate at the pound, so I commented that maybe she changed her mind… UGH, just seems like he’s ready to get rid of her, no matter what I say. He keeps calling her a “bag of bones” and saying she’s not a real pet, and blah blah. If I can’t convince him to try different foods, I’ll probably try to take her myself, and get her healthy again.
@WillWorkForChocolate That’s so sad – I hope you can at least convince him that milk is bad for cats. Though it sounds like she would be better off with you. :P
Well, unfortunately, I wouldn’t be able to keep her, as I already have two cats and my husband would kill me. But at least I could get her healthy and find her a good home.
Some people are too ignorant to be in charge of anything, let alone a living creature or child.
If you watch Teen Mom 2 (I know it’s stupid) Chelsea let her dogs off the leash in apts and a dog attacked and killed her dog. She kept saying how bad she felt and then the cop told her that if she had the dog on a leash it wouldn’t have happened. This person has a 3 yr old child, hope it survives childhood. :)
I just offered to take her off his hands. My hubby’s gonna be pissed, LOL! He’s being so horrible about the whole thing, calling her a “bag of bones” and “the thing.” He said he’s not spending any more money on her so if she lives she lives, and if she dies, she’ll be compost. <sigh>
I hope he agrees and you get a new kitty for awhile. I don’t like the idea of kitty compost, that’s a horrific idea. :(
Bastard said they’re going to keep her but not take her back to the vet. I told him that his vet is full of crap if he said this cat is healthy, but he refuses to listen to me. UGH!
This cat is gonna die and he doesn’t give a shit. I’ve got his address, who’s got a couple of ski masks? We can sneak in and steal the cat…
I’m with you. I don’t have a ski mask, but I have one of these. Sufficient?
What a jerk! OK I’m in. Let’s go. I’m on about 2hrs sleep and frustrated, should be interesting, so let’s blow this popstand and save a kitty.
Can you call your local animal control and tell them? They usually don’t like sick animals in the neighborhood and they may be able to force him to give it up or take it to the vet.
Of course if I were in your area, I’d love to help rescue the kitty, whatever it takes. My grandpa, bless his soul, was much the same as your neighbor when it came to domestic animals, but if something happened with one of his cows, the vet was right there. Sad.
So, he only spent about $100 for one vet visit a week or two ago (the vet said she’s okay, which is total bullshit if she’s acting like this), is bitching about the cost of the “bag of bones” and refuses to spend any more money on her. He’ll just let her starve to death. Fucking cocksucker.
Is it possible he’s just saying these things to wind you up? I don’t understand why he wouldn’t give her to you if he can’t be bothered.
I don’t know, but he’s not the type to lie. What pisses me off even more is that he’s the local baptist preacher, and he’s being so cruel.
Oh, that’s awful. I really wish I had some constructive advice for you.
Can I off him and say I did it in the name of God? :D
Steal the cat. It’s the only non murderous option.
@WillWorkForChocolate You can’t off him and say you did it in the name of God, but you can off him and ask for forgiveness.
I know go to his church and tell them how he is treating God’s animals…it’s despicable really, the church should agree :D Get God’s help for real.
I finally told him that what he’s doing is cruel and neglectful, and that to watch her starve to death instead of letting me take her and get her healthy is just plain abusive. He’s not responding to me anymore. Dickweasel.
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