Are you a shy or outgoing person??
I’m mostly a shy person because I like keeping to myself—I’m very introverted. However, I can be outgoing every now and again, especially when I’m required to be when I’m at work.
What type are you?
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18 Answers
I am very shy and introverted. I can’t go to parties or group functions without stressing out about all the people there.
I’m an introvert simply because I hate most people. If I’m with people I can trust or at least people I like I’m actually very out going and energetic.
Introversion/extroversion is not the same thing as being shy. Introverts prefer to engage in solitary activities and feel drained when engaged in too many social activities. Extroverts are the opposite. Being shy is about avoiding social activities because of fear.
I’m an introvert, but I am not shy. My wife is an extrovert, but is shy.
I am quiet and shy in a crowd, sociable when I am one-on-one. I have a hard time talking to people I don’t know well, but I make an effort.
I agree with @tom_g I prefer to be on my own and do not enjoy social activities and try to avoid them as much as possible, but I’m not shy. I have no problem talking to other people and can even initiate conversations with people I don’t know socially or at work. I don’t think you can be a teacher if you are shy, or can you? My classes have an average of 35 students and I have to deal with different personalities and try to engage them all. Not sure if I could do that if I were shy.
I love my own company, I’m intriguing!
Too old to be shy, too much of a homebody to be extroverted. If I’m around people I’m perfectly relaxed but not all that much into it.
It seems that I am either with much younger women who are talking about babies and purses or older widows who don’t say a lot. I don’t feel I fit in very well with women my age since my interests can be thought of as quite odd like UFO’s and alternative medicine.
I am both. I think I am shy by nature, but I can make myself be outgoing in situations where I need to be.
I think the best answer I can give is yes.
I have a hard time mixing with people; I never learned the art of small talk and tend to babble when there are spaces in the conversation but once we are friends I am more comfortable with silence than many of my friends.
I like going out and having a good time with a group but am not much of a dancer; it embarrasses me. Crowds don’t bother me but I love the solitude of nature.
I liked team sports and work best in small groups where we can bounce ideas off each other.
I am not fond of dealing with people in a work setting. I do it but I do not enjoy it. My ideal job would be where I never saw or dealt with the public.
@tom_g That is definitely true. My ex was definitely an extrovert; the fact that he spent a lot of time by himself wasn’t because that’s what he liked and social situations drained him, it was because he was shy and found it hard to get involved in social situations to begin with, but once he was in one, he could be the life of the party.
As for me, I am not that shy—I can talk to people I don’t know pretty easily. Doesn’t mean I don’t prefer smaller groups of friends (I do), but I can manage in larger groups.
Both. Depends on the situation and circle of people that I am with.
.....Shy, reserved and respectful on the outside.
.....Silly, outgoing and party on the inside.
Very outgoing and humorous. I am always engaging strangers and love nothing more than coming across another playful and witty personality. I have a love of my solitude as well but am a natural born extrovert and alpha female. lol
I had the greatest encounter with a young guy in a liquor store last night after leaving a friends house.
I dropped in for some Stella Artois beer and he was approaching the counter juggling, literally juggling, a couple bottles of water.
I made a joke about wanting to see some more juggling action and he played back perfectly, saying he was raised in a circus. haha
I then said I bet he rode the elephants and he came back with, ” no, actually I was the camel keeper.”
I fucking LOVE playful, witty people, the world needs more of us!
I’m not shy.I am friendly but reserved. I don’t try to be the center of attention like some people do. They may have center stage, but I may not stick around for the performance. Been there; done that.
It depends. I am an introvert, but I’ve trained myself to talk to people.
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