Social Question

(The Quest - Part 1): What do you know that I don't know?
At the time of posting this question, it is about 11pm on January the 17th over here in Spain. In about one hour, the clock will hit midnight and I will turn 30 years old. Wow that went by fast.
To be honest, I have to confess that I am a little behind planning schedule. When I was 12 years old I sat down one day, I calculated all the variables, and I figured out how the rest of my life was going to be. Suffice it to say, that I am yet to acquire my first million.
Things have to change, I have decided to go on a quest so to speak, and I invite any of you who want to come along on my quest to do so.
Over the next 5 years, I intend to become all that I can be. I want to be as intelligent and knowledgeable as possible, I want to be in great physical condition, have a load of cash and resources, and generally take advantage of life to its fullest.
The key to all of this I believe, is more knowledge, more understanding, and a better view at the big picture in general. Once I have nutrition facts and economy and business information, I can figure out the rest. I hope.
I have no idea just how big or time consuming my quest will become, maybe I will keep it strictly to free time, and just have a monthly quest self-reminder question on here, or maybe I will end up setting up my own library and databases, who knows.
So, what I want to do, is ask you all to tell me something I don’t know, and how I can find out about it. I also ask, that you please post links that can inform me about this thing you know about. It can be related to academic matters such philosophy, maths, history, or it could be related to a more light hearted topic, or even just an observation you made with you as the source.
I will then go and formally study the information or topic provided, until I am sure that I have actually learned something and committed something to memory, and anyone else following the thread can come along and do the same.
You are all experts in something, and while you can’t predict exactly what I know and don’t know, you could till have a general idea. If you have 40 years experience as a fisher, I’m sure you can assume there are things about fishing I don’t know that you do. Likewise, while I know my rights, I am sure that if you are a lawyer you could teach me a thing of two.
So… What do you know that I don’t know?
“The So Called Rules”:
Please try to keep it serious/functional.
Please post resource links to information or topics when possible.
Please recommend books, movies, and other media to learn from.
Please try to keep it factual and speculation and assumption free.
Please post participating posts in the format of “Did you know…”
Yes this is in the social section, but please actually try to participate properly.