Meta Question

girlofscience's avatar

How many people use Fluther?

Asked by girlofscience (7577points) June 9th, 2008

Most sites have some way of seeing how many users there are, by usernumber or some other means, but I haven’t been able to find it on here. So, how many members are there, and how many active users are there?

Observing members: 0 Composing members: 0

18 Answers

jrpowell's avatar

In the chat I think they said they have about 10K registered users. I would put the number of regular people that contribute much lower. Maybe under 500. Probably lower.

(I running off my faulty memory and made up numbers) If someone wants to chime in I would like to hear the real numbers.

I’m just giving an estimate.

honniemac's avatar

as of 1 minute ago, 1 more than there was.

Breefield's avatar

Around 40k – which has also been confirmed by Andrew I believe it was, in the previous question about this.

2late2be's avatar

Count me in!!!

Mrs_Dr_Frank_N_Furter's avatar

a bajillion katrillion manillion people…oh and one (me!!!)

Lost_World's avatar

Arrrr there be many a sole fluthering in these hear waters arrrrrrrr

jrpowell's avatar

The problem with that number is that those are unique visitors. They (most) viewed the site but never registered. So that number doesn’t really answer the question.

jlm11f's avatar

I don’t know the answer, but I predict you will have it in less than a minute…after one wasteful post (for that post, i see the initials “jp” but the rest is dark for now :P)! i am psychic .

jrpowell's avatar

I predict more than a minute.

jrpowell's avatar

PnL.. I was right. When you are a doctor you need to write me a a prescription for a years worth of Vicodin. Then we will be even.


jlm11f's avatar

aaaaaaaaargh. way to ruin my fun :(. and sure i will write you any prescription you would like me to write, i mean, its not like its unethical or anything.

andrew's avatar

@breefield: The compete metrics are way low for us. Like, less than a third of what we actually have. (Unless you’re in the top 20–30K visited websites, compete and alexa numbers are usually meaningless). Alexa and even compete really are only meaningful for showing general trends and persuading naïve investors.

A much better picture of us is Quantcast, since we’ve actually started providing data to them last week.

As far as users go, we’re nearing 8K, with about 500 very active users in a given week. We have over 15K discussions, over 125K responses, with around 1K responses per day now. We’ve seen over 200% growth in the last few months, and we serve up about a request per second.

girlofscience's avatar

@andrew: Thanks!

breedmitch's avatar

@Andrew: How does Quantcast know things like our ethnicity and income level?

andrew's avatar

@breedmitch: No idea. Magic. We certainly don’t know those things.

RandomMrdan's avatar

I’d be willing to bet that of all the registered users here, there are probably people who have more than one…myself being one of them. Reason being, you may have a question that you don’t want people to know about. So, I’d imagine of all the registered people on the site, most of them probably aren’t used for one reason or another.

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