Your objection to Benadryl and likelihood of falling for the elderly is true BECAUSE it causes mild drowsiness.
Can you name ANY sleep aids (either prescription or OTC) which would not carry the same risks? It kinda comes with the territory, right?
Drowsy = possible risk of falls.
Therefore, don’t get out of bed.
Any of the older antihistamines carry the same POTENTIAL side effects which you listed. Some of the newer ones don’t but they have weird side effects all their own.
I’ve been taking Benadryl for years with no ill effects at all. I always list it along with my other medications and never once had any Dr. bat an eyelash over it or comment in any unfavorable way EVER.
And it has been Drs. (not Pharmacists) who have commented that it has a long track record of safety and efficacy. I didn’t just pull that out of my ass or create it from whole cloth.
Out of the whole host of questionable crap that they put into OTC sleep stuff, it’s one of the oldest and most well known ingredients without any nasty surprises, hence my recommendation of a single ingredient product rather than the “everything but the kitchen sink” approach so favored by marketing Depts. nowadays so that they can claim more effectiveness for the widest range of symptoms possible.
To claim that Benadryl is one of the most Un-safe is a bit hyerbolic and I seriously doubt you’ll find Drs. in general agreeing with you. Don’t take my word for it. Ask a few. I’d be really surprised in one saying it was one of the most un-safe without any prompting from you. Very surprised indeed.
Btw: A preference for single ingredient OTCs was another hint passed on to me by Drs. (an Allergist and a Pulmonologist, to be precise) since you can more easily pinpoint what exactly is responsible for any unwanted effects.
Of course @Aster might be well advised to speak to her Dr. about this, but I seriously doubt there is any prescription sleep aid safer than Benadryl. And I’m betting he would very likely either suggest it as first choice or advise taking nothing at all.
And since you evidently had a negative experience with it, you should stay away from it :)