Meta Question

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

What puzzles you about Fluther?

Asked by Hawaii_Jake (37841points) January 19th, 2013

Are there quirks in the interface that you don’t understand? Is it the GQ and GA system? How about the fun awards?

Personally, I don’t understand why some users take this site so seriously. Certainly, there are questions asked on here that deserve thoughtful answers, but we’re nameless, faceless users on a tiny speck of a site in the vast Internet. However, the majority of questions and answers are just the tip of the iceberg of what’s really going on with users. We simply can’t know the full extent of the workings of other people’s lives by interacting with them here.

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89 Answers

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

People who get all butthurt over not receiving lurve points.

Ela's avatar

Would this be a good place to say that I’m personally really pissed off about not receiving the Cake in the Frizzer award yet? Wtf does one have to do to get that damn award?!?

I’d add more, but….. my butt really hurts atm…

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Ela I don’t have that damn award either, and I’ve searched far and wide in that and many other volcanic lairs.

Coloma's avatar

Nothing puzzling for me. I’m here for the fun, stimulating discussions and interesting and diverse people and topics. I could care less about lurve and/or engaging in some sort of popularity contest between members. Who cares!

I am very grounded in reality and have no preconceived notions about “knowing” anyone based on a few hours a week of online interactions, although I am a very intuitive person and usually quite astute when it comes to my observations and ability to see traits of difficult people.
I have my thoughts and opinions like everyone else but I have never been predisposed to thinking that one can have a real “relationship” with anyone they have never spent actual time with over a lengthy duration.
Fluther is fluffy fun for me but nothing serious about it. Obviously, I enjoy it enough to visit almost daily. :-)

dxs's avatar

It’s a bit puzzling how many people here despise organized religions so much.

Sunny2's avatar

I’m not puzzled, but it is intriguing to ‘meet’ people who are so different from me, both in their thinking and reactions. ( both positively and negatively.)

Yeahright's avatar

It puzzles me that here you can name names for good things, but you can’t do the opposite. This only perpetuates secrecy and not being able to address some people directly on some ugly remarks they make. It also puzzles me how some people here seem to dislike others just because they have an opinion contrary to theirs.

zensky's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake …we’re nameless, faceless users on a tiny speck of a site in the vast Internet. However, the majority of questions and answers are just the tip of the iceberg of what’s really going on with users. We simply can’t know the full extent of the workings of other people’s lives by interacting with them here.

Nah. I live here. I have no life outside the ship and I’m going down with it. ;-)

To answer your Q: can’t think of anything I’d change. Just missing Ben and Andrew a bit. It was nice having the founders around. Sort of like Gods walking the earth. Made the place tingle.

Ela's avatar

@zensky and who, in their right mind, doesn’t enjoy a tingly place? ; )

zensky's avatar

@Ela Tingle me in PM anytime, babes.

Coloma's avatar

^^^ making reservations at the Fluther Regency for you two now. Balcony view maybe?
I’ll send my address so you can reimburse me for my generosity. lol

ucme's avatar

I’m puzzled as to how the fuck I’ve lasted so long & managed to procure so much lurve, meaningless shite though it is, it’s strange to me how this all turned out…thought i’d be here maybe a month at most.
The folks who take it too seriously are a constant source of amusement, in that sense they serve their purpose.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@ucme I’ll admit I only come around hoping you’ll lick me with that patriotic tongue of yours. ;-)

ucme's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Every fucking inch of you…baby!! Only if you promise not to tickle me plums ;-}

Coloma's avatar

Oooh this is getting dirty…

Kardamom's avatar

It sometimes puzzles me when a user comes on and asks a serious or provocative Q, gets lots of answers, then never comes back to let us know if their problem was solved or if they took any of the advice.

@ucme I thought you said Pickled Plums LOL.

ucme's avatar

@Kardamom Haha, very similar indeed.

antimatter's avatar

No what puzzles me is why do they always tell me there is too many typo’s in my questions, I edit them get four to five responses and than I get the same message again!

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m surprised that a Q&A site with a bit of a social aspect turned into a chat site, well, for the most part.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Ela and @Hawaii_Jake Mmmmmm, cake in the frizzer! Other jellies can help you get that one, if they know how to do it. I have that award. <wink wink>

cookieman's avatar

I’m not puzzled, but chagrined that this joint can’t generate enough revenue that @augustlan can’t earn a living wage for all her hard work.

DrBill's avatar

I’m puzzled as to why, if you voice an opinion that is not uber-liberal you get verbally gang raped

PhiNotPi's avatar

@cookieman And as far as I know, she’s the only paid employee! I feel like Fluther is always on the edge of simply shutting down. :(

cookieman's avatar

@PhiNotPi: I think that’s true and yes, it does feel that way.

zensky's avatar

There is a contingency plan. JohnPowell has a safe room for all the veterans.

janbb's avatar

I find it puzzling that some people bitch about the modation (new word – not a typo!) yet are always around.

rooeytoo's avatar

^^ Probably for the same reason people bitch about the USA but don’t move to Russia!

It’s fun here and most of the people are nice and I learn stuff! What puzzles me is that I can’t get in with Firefox frequently, but have no problems with Chrome???

janbb's avatar

Ah – sweet mysteries of browsers.

rooeytoo's avatar

(Victor Herbert, Naughty Marietta! right???)

burntbonez's avatar

Puzzles me why people are so judgmental about so many things.

No, not really. I know why people are judgmental. Just felt like saying that.

Pachy's avatar

I find it interesting how I can get a picture in my head of some people here when all he or she has is a tiny avatar… just from their style of commenting and the interaction I have with them in private.

Berserker's avatar

When something confuses me about Fluther, I just look up a Nintendo Power magazine. All the answers are there.

Here’s the cluuues that you can uuuuse, Nintendo Pooooweeeer!

ucme's avatar

This question made me think, a fluther wordsearch would be good, usernames & associated words jumbled up, something for old folk to do when there’s nowt on the telly XD

Adagio's avatar

@Yeahright ”…not being able to address some people directly on some ugly remarks they make.”
You could always send someone a private message if you want to address them directly.

Yeahright's avatar

@Adagio I know, but if you do, some people feel you are carrying a grudge to their doorstep or that you are stalking them, either way you get reported and the mods are then able to read your PMs and send you emails, etc. So bottom line, you have to let people get away with stuff and keep your mouth shut.

FutureMemory's avatar

@zensky There is a contingency plan. JohnPowell has a safe room for all the veterans.

I wonder how long people are going to talk about John before realizing he’s no longer a member.

(Like magic, I’ll answer everyone’s next question before they ask it: He quit a few days ago.)

jonsblond's avatar

^^He’s quit many times. He’ll be back.

There is a contingency plan. JohnPowell has a safe room for all the veterans.

I have a feeling not all the veterans will be invited. My husband and I would be two. I’m sure. I wouldn’t go anywhere else if Fluther died. It wouldn’t be the same. Fluther has and will be my only q&a . just sayin’ :)

ucme's avatar

@jonsblond Make that three, not that i’d be inclined to attend anyway.

Bellatrix's avatar

Can I just say volunteer mods can’t read your private messages. The manager can (if required) but I think I am very safe in saying she wouldn’t unless there was a valid reason to do so.

In addition, if there was a safe room (or Fluther Ark) everyone should be invited and definitely @ucme and the Blondes. We don’t all agree and thank goodness for that. I certainly don’t agree with everyone here and frankly some people really irritate me, but it would be a damn boring world if we only communicated with people who agree with us. Having our ideas challenged is how we learn as far as I’m concerned. It may not happen when we first have that agro conversation but I would hope most people at least think about the other person’s point of view. So viva la différence.

ucme's avatar

@Bellatrix My sentiments exactly, but some “vets” are simply intolerable bores wrapped up in their own self importance, you’d literally cross the road if you saw them in the street, that type.
Still, i’d pass them a bucket of water if they were on fire, that’s how generous I am.

Berserker's avatar

Well…ass cigar. Everybody crosses the street when they see me. I don’t got a bad attitude though…I just wear a trench coat all the time, even in Summer.

ucme's avatar

I’d cross the street to meet you & snog the face right off ya…biatch!!

Bellatrix's avatar

I would cross the street TO see you and @ucme @Symbeline. Damn you got there first! Now I get sloppy seconds.

ucme's avatar

Ha, i’ll warm her up for you, wear a napkin too if you’re a sloppy eater.

Berserker's avatar

I’d wrap yall in my highlander trench. No one escapes!, when they don’t cross the street I mean.

ucme's avatar

This reminds me of a scene from Jeepers Creepers now, i’m slightly scared but alarmingly turned on.

Bellatrix's avatar

Highlander trench – sexy!

Berserker's avatar

jeeeeepers creeeeeepers, where’d you get dem peeeepers…

Response moderated (Flame-Bait)
zensky's avatar

^ Ooooh, Flame bait. If only Ryan’s friends and neighbours here are invited – it would be called snoozeville. The gel, the glue, the basis of Fluther is that we’re all different jellies, different personalities; you don’t like everyone and vice versa – but it’s a community. And well-managed. Wis.dmers fondly, nostalgically (mistakenly) miss the good old days there. They weren’t.

Flutherville rocks. Let’s keep it that way.

burntbonez's avatar

Wow. Lot’s of history I don’t know. Could there be a blog where inside information is revealed?

Ela's avatar

I’ve looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked looked n looked n looked…

The cake is a lie :’ ( <sniffles>

Yeahright's avatar

@Ela What do you mean is a lie? I did get that award—not sure exactly how tho. Maybe you haven’t looked hard enuf ;)

Ela's avatar

@Yeahright : ( ever-body has it ‘cept me <pout pout eebee eebee>

Yeahright's avatar

^LOL I’m going to try and figure it out. If I do I’ll let you know. I know I read the whole Frizzer thread—quite long— and opened every link they posted there.

Ela's avatar

LoL ♥

augustlan's avatar

Just don’t be giving out our ‘state secrets’ in public, guys! Do it in a PM. :)

Ela's avatar

OH! That reminds me… I gotsta pm @zensky!
wonder if he has any cake…..

Yeahright's avatar

@augustlan Classified info….I know. Was just trying to help a fellow jelly in despair.

augustlan's avatar

By all means, help! If you can’t remember, I think I’ve got the info somewhere. Feel free to PM me. :)

blueiiznh's avatar

I too went down the cake trail, but to no avail.
It puzzles me why I cared then but do not care now.
Perhaps it is because I prefer pie.
Yes, that’s it!!

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

We had the best pumpkin pie I’ve ever had this past Christmas. Yum! I, too, couldn’t care less about the cake.

Ela's avatar

mmmmmmmmmmmmm…. pie

<- is easily distracted ; )

Yeahright's avatar

^Or we can bake a fake cake and claim you found it in the Frizzer. They’ll never know the difference and that way you’ll get your award (clever ha!).

janbb's avatar

@Ela I saw that you found it! ‘Grats!

burntbonez's avatar

I like pie, too. Is there a pie in the frizzer thread?

janbb's avatar

@burntbonez You can start one.

burntbonez's avatar

No, I don’t think so. It would violate spelling rules.

janbb's avatar

@burntbonez Stick in the mud!

burntbonez's avatar

That would be me.

glacial's avatar

Mmmm… mud pie.

Ela's avatar

Tnx @janbb! I am totally tickled pink!! <happy dances>
A super sweet jelly helped me : )
Now I’m lookin for the robot crush LoL

zensky's avatar

For the Robot Crush you need to PM as the Borg. Then I crush you. This is the only way to get the award.

Bellatrix's avatar

@Ela, I think the Robot Crush might be one we can’t get due to technical problems. I hope @augustlan will confirm or deny this. Just trying to save you hours of frustration.

antimatter's avatar

When asking some questions with NO TYPOS I still get that my question needs editing due to TYPOS and I can re edit it a few times and still I will get the message too many typos…
That puzzles me and pisses me off!

Bellatrix's avatar

You can always send a message to the mods if you are unsure why your question has been returned. They can give you more specific information if you need it.

augustlan's avatar

Yep, the robot crush award is broken. :’(

@antimatter We usually provide notes on what the typo is, and if not, you can send a question about it to us in the editing process. We’re happy to help you fix it up. :)

zensky's avatar

@antimatter The only thing more difficult than self-editing is self-editing on a computer screen, regardless of the size (but obviously the smaller it is the more difficult).

Reminds me of the famous “test” where the word The appears at the end of the sentence and again at the beginning of the next and is difficult to catch – even when literally counting words.

zensky's avatar

@augustlan It isn’t broken at all. I give it out. Jellies need but PM me with a request for it: dressed as the Borg. I then crush them and they start over as a new member of the Borg. But they do limp walk away with the coveted award.

zensky's avatar

^ I am demoting you to janitor.

zensky's avatar

But raising your salary.

augustlan's avatar

Would someone please hand me that mop? I’ve got work to do!

zensky's avatar

You are the true Queen of Fluther.

glacial's avatar

@zensky By extension, I think you’ve just named @augustlan Queen of the Borg.

zensky's avatar

@glacial Come here. Closer. A little closer. Resistance is futile.

glacial's avatar

I know a certain bartender who begs to differ.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Thanks a lot, @zensky. By making Auggie the janitor, you’ve given her another weapon. Do you have any idea what she did with that damned mop last night?

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