It was when I was a child (five-ish), but I still remember it. My parents had my sister and me start packing close to the time of my birthday. “Where are we going?” I asked. I was really excited—a birthday trip!
“Orange County,” my parents said.
You may know where this is going; I did not. “Oh,” is what I responded, not sure where or what that was, or why we were going. Any question I asked after that, I kept getting back oranges. Stupid oranges.
The trip was long, and I was grumpy. My dad kept trying to cheer me up, but I just became more gloomy. He was describing Orange County to me—a place with acres and acres of orange trees, very very popular orange trees. We’d pay for admittance to the fields, and then the fun would begin! We’d all get a pail, and get to run around from tree to tree picking oranges. We’d have to run, he explained, because other families and other kids were just as anxious to get the good oranges. Most orange trees even had long lines you had to wait in just to get to pick an orange! My response: why stand in line then? Why don’t we just let the other kids have them? If they want them so bad?. No, we want the oranges too; what else would we eat for dinner? I don’t like oranges!! You’ll like these oranges.
I really, really doubted it.
It was dark when we arrived. I asked where the orange trees were. I wanted to size them up, see what this was all about. They pointed to the tall building sillhouette we were approaching: in there, they keep the orange trees inside the wall, or else anybody could walk up and pick them. I grumbled. People seemed silly—for oranges! just for stupid oranges! I stamped my feet as I walked, and kept my eyes staring at the ground. I remember this because the next thing I see confuses me—a large entrance matt, with cursive writing.
I couldn’t read cursive yet, so this irritated me further; but I recognized the shape of one of the words. That was Disney! Disney? The rest of my family had gone into the building, and so when I looked up, I saw them at the Disneyland hotel registration desk. I ran after them.
I’ve been told that I then asked, “but what about the oranges?” and they laughed. There were never any oranges.