As hateful and vindictive as some Americans are toward President Obama, do you think it wise for he and his wife to walk through DC waving to the public?
Asked by
January 21st, 2013
from iPhone
Let’s not forget the assassination of President Kennedy.
And people loved him.
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29 Answers
I see no reason why not, don’t let the haters win.
@SABOTEUR: “And people loved him.”
Wasn’t Kennedy’s approval rating at the time of his death only slightly higher than Obama’s right now?
Probably not making the SS jobs easy.
I think it’s a decision President Obama made on his own. Walking in the parade is a risk for him and his family. I’m glad he’s doing it, though.
@tom_g Heck, I don’t know. I was a little boy at the time. Just going by the mythology that grew as a result of the assassinations of he and his brother Bobby.
I was a bit nervous for him this morning (and sad that I had to feel that way), but proud that he shows no fear for himself. That’s a trait of leadership.
@woodcutter *You got that right! Probably muttering…
”...wish he’d get his ass back in the car…”
@Hawaii_Jake Me too.
(Doesn’t make me any less nervous, though.)
Not that it matters, but Kennedy had a 58% approval rating when he was killed. Obama currently has a 51% approval rating. Not that different.
@tom_g Good info, Tom. Thanks!
I think it’s risky, and the SS is not happy about it. But I imagine it helps re-charge his batteries for the next 4 years.
Was I just being paranoid? Watched with bated breath as they got out and strolled. Relieved when they got back in the Beast. Those female SS agents looked impressive too. Heh.
@bossob His batteries, is right. A lot of us old folks are having heart attacks right about now.
@mazingerz88 Yes you were being paranoid…
…along with a few million other observers.
Maybe they have body armor under all that high fashion. I sure as hell would.
@woodcutter Interesting thought; I hope so. It’s getting pretty lightweight these days.
@SABOTEUR I’m at work but not very far from Pennsylvania Avenue. Too bad I couldn’t make it. I could have yelled, “What the fuck, Mr. President? Get back in there! Let Joe do the celebrity walk!” Lol.
@mazingerz88 That was (disconcertingly) entertaining. My wife and I watched in amazement as the Vice President ran towards the sidelines to shake hands and greet people. I’m sure the SS was pissed trying to “respectfully encourage” him not to do that again.
And again.
And again.
Maybe it’s not wise but Obama is not going to pander to the lowest common denominator. He lives a normal life, as much as possible, that’s been important to him and he will not let them get the best of him.
What’s worse? Living in seclusion and fear, or accepting the danger of small freedoms and creature comforts?
Safety is an illusion, and you can’t plan for chaos.
I thought it was very brave of him and important in setting the tone.
If he really thought there was a chance of danger he wouldn’t have tempted it. I imagine every angle of that area was locked down. He after all, has a paid professional security force. Not every block of the country could be secured this way and not everyone of us has any protection really paid, or otherwise.
He only walked in a certain area and everyone in that area had been cleared. The risk was minimalized as much as possible. Seems as if Carter was the one who started or restarted that behaviour and he was criticized for demeaning the office by doing it. I never understood why walking demeaned. If anything demeaned it was when Nixon dressed White house personnel in toy soldier outfits!
@rooeytoo That makes sense…had no idea those people had been cleared. Thank you.
(Toy soldier outfits?)
People need politicians that don’t “live” inside a television screen.
@rooeytoo That’s hilarious. Thank you.
(The things people do to keep their jobs…)
I was nervous about it but didn’t know the crowd had been cleared first.
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