Social Question

rebbel's avatar

In Les Miserables, the new movie, the actors are seen singing (like in a musical). Can you name a movie which you would have liked to be a musical movie?

Asked by rebbel (35553points) January 21st, 2013

And can you say which two (or more) actors would sing what lines to each other?

“Vincent Hanna/Pacino: So you never wanted a regular type life?”
“Neil McCauley/De Niro: What the fuck is that? Barbeques and ballgames? ”

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25 Answers

zensky's avatar

When you say “want to” do you mean which perfectly good movie would I want destroyed; the actors suddenly breaking into song and dance for no reason?

OK. Maybe Fight Club.

marinelife's avatar

The Woody Allen movie Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask

El_Cadejo's avatar

@fremen_warrior Bam!

Edit: Heres some more god its all so horrible lol

rebbel's avatar

@zensky I saw the trailer in the cinema and I felt a bit hrmmmm.
What a way to destroy a nice looking movie.
To each their own, but it is not a medium I like.

zensky's avatar

I like my musicals on Broadway. But there are some great actors who try to sing in Les Miz. Notwithstanding, I did enjoy Mulan Rouge.

ucme's avatar

Debbie Does Dallas, that would be a banging soundtrack.
The King’s Speech, some kind of stutter rap with dj’s scratching records & shit.

filmfann's avatar

@zensky Fight Club was the first movie that came to mind…

How about Reservoir Dogs?

Of course, you wouldn’t be able to find a rhyme for Mr. Orange

zensky's avatar

@filmfann Great minds…

Bellatrix's avatar

@zensky Try to sing sums it up. Ugh….

livelaughlove21's avatar

None. Other than Grease and Rocky Horror Picture Show, I can stand musicals.

mazingerz88's avatar

@rebbel Darn it. Thought you went to the moon or somethin. Been a while dude. : )

What else…Star Wars “Jarjar’s Passion” The Musical!

ragingloli's avatar

Django Unchained. Imagine the characters singing opera while they slaughter everyone.

ragingloli's avatar

sporange rhymes with orange.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Of course, that should say can’t.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Godzilla with Geisha girls.

mazingerz88's avatar

Obviously, I didn’t check out the earlier posts. Ok, Star Wars was taken so I now switch to the movie, The Ten Commandments. All that movie lacked were songs and more dance numbers anyway.

AstroChuck's avatar

Behind The Green Door would make a great musical.

mazingerz88's avatar

^^ I’m there. I’m soooo theeere.

Kardamom's avatar

Glengarry Glen Ross

zensky's avatar

Fluther: The Musical.

Remember, Lisa?

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