What is the best chocolate product you ever had?
I know. I know. How can you answer this? It’s so hard to choose. I know I couldn’t. But if you can’t narrow it down, then mention all your favorites.
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27 Answers
Hershey Kisses, hands down. The milk chocolate and the peppermint are amazing.
Milka is by far my favorite chocolate. I put it above Nestle, Cadbury’s, Lindt, and any other chocolate I have tried.
The smooth and creamy texture, the levels of milk vs coco, the sweetness, it all just works.
Dove promises. Omg. I keep them in my desk at work. Everyone knows. Everyone is allowed to take, no questions asked. All chocolate should be no questions asked.
Max Brenner’s is wonderfullll!!
I third Max Brenner’s. I like the make your own hot chocolate.
Brewery Ommengang in Cooperstown has all kinds of Belgian chocolate. That stuff is so so good.
Burdick’s is one favorite. I love their hot chocolate, especially the milk hot chocolate. It comes in 2 and 5 pound bags.
John & Kira’s is a local favorite. Their chocolate figs with whiskey ganache are really awesome!
I want to go drink some chocolate right now!
Italian hot chocolate. I like Max Brenner’s hot chocolate but I have had authentic Italian hot chocolate that knocks the chocolate drops of Max’s best effort.
@livelaughlove21 Don’t sweat it for a second. I love to have fun on here and get a little wild at times.
Well now it is almond chocolate ice cream.
Though I have known many more chocolate loves.
Mounds cake is my favorite all time dessert. Chocolate cake with coconut inbetween layers and two types of chocolate icing.
As far as just a piece of chocolate bought almost anywhere, I really like Dove milk chocolate. I also like some Belgian chocolates, but I have no idea of the brand, my dad used to buy them when I was young. And, there is a local confectioner, Dinstuhl’s in Memphis that has some of the best chocolate I have ever eaten.
Yummmmmmm. Lindt is delicious.
There was once this chocolate mousse I had in France. It was covered with orange peels marinated in orange liqueur. Even on a full stomach, it was easily the best dessert I’ve ever eaten. And that was forty years ago. I’ve been looking for something to match ever since, but I don’t think it will be possible.
I enjoyed some chocolate syrup dribbled on my Cheesecake at one time.
I’d vote Côte d’Or. Not the one packaged like this for North Americans. The one packaged like this for Belgians. There’s a big difference.
I love Lindt’s dark chocolate bars.
Taillevent in Paris used to make a dessert they called the Marquise, a silky smooth chocolate terrine based on a blend of Valrhona chocolates, served with a pistachio sauce. It was a near-perfect chocolate experience.
La Maison du Chocolat, also in Paris, makes a cake they call the Pleyel. It’s very simple—no fillings or decoration. The texture is what makes it: a very delicate crustiness to the surface, a meltingly moist interior. Of all the amazing stuff Maison du Chocolat makes, this is the item that employees of the shop take home for their own pleasure. One of their bonbons, the Romeo, is about the best filled chocolate candy I’ve had; the center is a coffee cream made with Deux-Sevres butter. Very, very good.
As for straight chocolate, my current favorite is DIvine’s 70% dark. I’m not crazy about the rest of their products, but they really got this one right.
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