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mazingerz88's avatar

Is there someone in your life you would risk giving the Frankenstein treatment to?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29382points) January 23rd, 2013

If for some reason you find yourself in such a position to raise a dead person similar to how Dr. Frankenstein did it, would you do it? And who will it be and why?

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12 Answers

Seek's avatar

I wouldn’t. Except it would be pretty cool to raise Christopher Hitchens and hear about his utter lack of an afterlife. It would make a great book.

mazingerz88's avatar

I could already see Hitchens smoking, drinking scotch as he mutters “Aarrh…”

burntbonez's avatar

I wish there was, but there isn’t. Do they have to be recently dead? On how decayed a body will this process work?

Pachy's avatar

I tried it once with my ex but the experiment got the villagers calling me insane and chasing me with torches.

Shippy's avatar

I would, I am afraid to say. I would raise my ex husband even if he looked like a patch work quilt, just so my son could have a dad again.

wundayatta's avatar

I have several friends I’d like to see raised from the dead. Although probably not enough to give the Frankenstein treatment to. Death is death. Life moves on. When I am dead, everyone else will move on, too. None of us matter in the overall scheme of things. We only matter to ourselves, and perhaps to a few people around us. But people will always survive us and life will always go on without us. And if it doesn’t, we won’t be around to appreciate that.

fremen_warrior's avatar

Seen far too many zombie flicks (i.e. I’d know better!)

A definite NO in this case.

Jeruba's avatar

Stephen King’s novel Pet Sematary is a brave exploration of this very question.

Bluefreedom's avatar

No. Since they are in a better place than here, why bring them back to a less desireable environment?

Coloma's avatar

No, and as @Jeruba mentions, it would be terrifying if my pet cemetary friends were to reincarnate as zombie pets. I would have a Frankengoose, Frankencats and god forbid the neighbors Frankenllama. lol

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