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mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - Could there be a God out there that experiences the joy of physical pleasure?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29300points) January 25th, 2013

The Catholics are quite conservative when it comes to sex. They even find celibacy an ideal practice when it comes to doing service to God. Does this mean that the Catholic God has no interest at all with the physical pleasures of human sex? I don’t know about Hinduism and Buddhism. Or Islam.

Is there a religion out there whose God has been believed to be a practicer of human sex?

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27 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Yes. We’re made in his image, so he must be horny too. Plus I bet the earth really does move when he cums.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I would answer this seriously but I’m not sure that’s what you want here.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@KNOWITALL What’s the serious answer? I’d like to hear that.

Shippy's avatar

I think Americans are VERY conservative when it comes to sex just saying

bit off topic but never mind.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe The serious answer is that any denial of pleasure is supposed to bring you closer to God. It’s holy. So no, our God would not seek physical pleasure imo.

The most fascinating story to me was the story of the monks walled up with no food and some water, in a small room, until they died. The idea of no distractions to focus completely on God is well-known.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@KNOWITALL Okay. Thank you. Interesting.

Berserker's avatar

@KNOWITALL That’s creepy, but I remember seeing something like that in a movie before. Still, that completely turns me off, God gave man the gift of life, so we should enjoy it. I don’t think He wants people to entomb themselves in walls and starve to death.

Pachy's avatar

No. By definition He is a Voyeur…

and I mean that seriously.

Shippy's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Well there goes my sex life!! Damn

bookish1's avatar

Krishna’s a total player, dude.

Pachy's avatar

@Shippy, at least you’ve had one to go. ;-)

Shippy's avatar

@bookish1 Now that looks just like me at times loll

Ela's avatar

If Catholics are “quite conservative when it comes to sex” and “find celibacy an ideal practice” then why have most Catholic families I’ve known had, on average, six+ children?
I don’t know if there is a God that actually practices human sex with but I believe the God I know, Wants You to Have (Lots of) Sex.

I don’t think Americans are conservative when it comes to sex. I think maybe most are just more private about it. Just my personal opinion : )

@KNOWITALL Simular to this? #4. Buddhist Self Mummification

muppetish's avatar

The Greek / Roman gods were all about this. That’s pretty much the backstory to Percy Jackson and the Olympians: Greek gods (and the occasional goddess) who can’t keep it in their pants.

KNOWITALL's avatar

@Ela Kind of, yeah. Some prefer to suffer as their Lord did for them, to bring them to a closer state of being. Some quite sadistic, like the American Indian Sun Ritual with the hooks all over their body, and their spirit walks or whatever where they’d not eat or drink to reach a spiritual state. Lots of cultures or faiths have rituals like that.

Also to answer the Catholic question, some people, and some sects of many religions take the Bible literallly about “go forth and mulitply” and many other scriptural passages. Most Catholics in my area still are quite fruitful, not me though.

Just try to remember there are Christians of many many varying faiths, especially in America where people broke from the traditional churches and formed new ones. Like The Catholic sect allowing priests and nuns to marry. There’s people like Westoboro Church that says they’re Christians then protest military funerals all over, even non-Christians dislike them. Just because someone says they’re a Christian, it basically just means they are a follower of Christ Jesus, the rest is all subject to individual preachers and sects.

Painting everyone with the same brush always leads to misunderstanding. I don’t consider myself the best representative of Christ in any way, all I’m doing is standing up for myself and my freedom of speech really, it turned into something different, and while I accept that and rejoice in it, it was not my primary purpose at any time in the past or present.

Coloma's avatar

I consider “God” to BE an alien so sure, I’d love a little alien sex, sounds adventurous and sensual. Especially if God has that magic, long, glowing ET finger thing goin’ on. lol
Well…..there is controversy that Jesus actually ran off with Mary Magdalene and had like 7 children with her in France somewhere.

Like father like son. I don’t believe in the immaculate conception, I betcha’ God hypnotized Mary so she wouldn’t remember having sex with an alien. I bet he fornicated with her multiple tomes to get baby Jesus started. haha

Rarebear's avatar

Zeus slept with a boatload of women.

gailcalled's avatar

He did but he cheated. (Leda and the Swan)

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

I don’t know about God but I know Jesus enjoys a good “rogering” from time to time.~ lol

deni's avatar

Man I’m so sick of hearing about God.

Strauss's avatar

If God is perfect, (S)He would be unable to experience imperfection, so (S)He created humans to experience imperfect reality.Sex is part of this imperfect reality. Has anyone ever experienced perfect sex, each and every time?

jerv's avatar

Discalimer : I am Agnostic.

I think that “God” and “Physical” are two concepts that really don’t go together. I also feel that understanding the nature of a supernatural being, especially one powerful enough to create universes, is beyond human ability.

Just as a map has less dimension and smells and tactile sensations than the area that it portrays, anything we think we know of any divine being is stripped of so much as to be inaccurate. We attempt to anthropomorphize deities, but I feel that is flawed, and therefore the only possible answer I can think of to this question is Mu.

zensky's avatar

@KNOW IT ALL: You wrote: The most fascinating story to me was the story of the monks walled up with no food and some water, in a small room, until they died. The idea of no distractions to focus completely on God is well-known.

This is the most fascinating story you’ve heard? In what way?

Paradox25's avatar

As a theist I’m very open to the possibility that every sentient entity is a part of a universally connected consciousness call one could call ‘God’. If this is true then it is very likely the only way that this supreme Mind could experience anything meaningful is through its very own creation.

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