General Question

desiree333's avatar

Everyone; look at the inner waterline of your eyes and you will see two small holes. What are these?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) January 25th, 2013

I’m thinking they are your tearducts. Either way this has been a pretty cool discovery for me, I’d never noticed them until now.

Anyone know what they are?

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13 Answers

woodcutter's avatar

Two holes? I’m getting just the one but they would be the tear ducts normally

desiree333's avatar

@woodcutter Two holes as in one in each eye.

whitenoise's avatar

I have no visible holes… That must be why tears often leave my eyes over my face.

I have noticed some people have very visible tear ducts, though, indeed.

hearkat's avatar

I’ve always noticed them and figured them for tear ducts; but now that you mention it, I can’t say that I know it for sure.

Buttonstc's avatar

Yes, they are definitely the tearducts.

cazzie's avatar

The name for the hole you see in your lower lid there is Lacrimal punctum or now, more recently referred to as Lacrimal canals.

It is part of the tear duct system in the eye that carries away tears, but doesn’t actually produce them.

Tears are produced by a gland above the eye in what is called the lacrimal gland.

dxs's avatar

@woodcutter For some reason, that video made me cry.

Buttonstc's avatar

I thought it was going to be the one from
Letterman’s Stupid Human Tricks from a few years back. Really funny.

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cmomoCPA's avatar

One hole in the inner medial nape of the eye lid in each eye, yes tear ducts.

Blahblah_'s avatar

It’s a tear drain

Kayla2002's avatar

This small hole is part of the tear duct but is actually called a puncta. There is also two in each eye, one in your water line and the other just above but on your lid

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