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flutherother's avatar

How many jellies does it take to change a light bulb?

Asked by flutherother (35015points) January 28th, 2013

Could you light up a dark winter’s night with your thoughts on this problem?

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48 Answers

Sunny2's avatar

Three. One to take the old one out; another to insist on putting it back in; and a third to argue that there’s no point in arguing. The light remains unchanged..

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

One, because we’re all so intelligent.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

Ten. One to change the bulb and 9 to have a nekkid pancake party!

thorninmud's avatar

Only one, but he’s too busy at Twitter to be bothered with changing anything.

janbb's avatar

Two – One to change it and one to ask it why it doesn’t believe in G-d.

Pachy's avatar

As many jellies as possible, because it’s very hard to make an important change without lots of help.

Pachy's avatar

@ucme, you get my volt for best puns.

janbb's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Was that your best shot?

Pachy's avatar

@janbb, sadly, yes. But if I think about it for a while maybe I can get myself electrified.

janbb's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Well, I’m at ohm when you’ve thought a bit.

ucme's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room I wouldn’t want to put anyone in the shade, but it feels good to socket to em.

wundayatta's avatar

None. On accouta see, this is a website and like there are no lite bulbs, although there are some dim bulbs of which I gotta be counted as wun. Funny how we say dim bulbs, but is there a term for the smart ones? The one that make the lite bulbs lite up like a christmas tree?

Anyway, seein as how they is no bulbs to be changed it don’t take no jellies to change it. Unless, of course, it wants to be changed, in which case we’ll all have pitch in because how can you change a bulb that isn’t a bulb even if it does want to be changed?

Seek's avatar

@wundayatta I want to beat your grammer with my coffee mug.

zensky's avatar

Two. One to change the light bulb, and one to correct his grammar.

Hawaii_Jake's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr My eraser on my pencil is not working on my computer screen trying to correct your spelling. :)

Pachy's avatar

@ucme and @janbb—you are each the florescence of punning excellence, true LED-ers in this skill.

janbb's avatar

@zensky Two – One to change it and @gailcalled to correct his grammar. (So mod me, mod me – what can you do me….)

janbb's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room But you light the way.

zensky's avatar

Three. One to change it, gail to correct his grammar and jeruba to edit it.

Pachy's avatar

@zensky, hahahaha. Good one!

zensky's avatar


janbb's avatar

Ah – shades of old Fluther emerger.

Seek's avatar

@Hawaii_Jake Crap! New phone.

Jeruba's avatar

No jellies will change it. But a hundred and one jellies are poised and ready to tell it how it ought to change.

And most of them will disagree.

All of them will sympathize with being burnt out. Except the ones that blame it for not burning longer.

ucme's avatar

Only one, Despicable Me…lightbulb!!

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

Among the jellies in our fluther, there are likely many who are bioluminescent. Who needs light bulbs?

livelaughlove21's avatar

5. One to change it, three to argue about whether we need light or not in the first place, and one to make a (apparently witty) remark that’s generally unhelpful.

Pachy's avatar

@livelaughlove21, guilty as, er, charged.

chyna's avatar

Three – One to have a dream about it, @luckyguy (aka McGyver) to engineer a better way to light the way, and one to go off topic discussing food.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

It doesn’t really matter. All that matters is using an LED, halogen, CFL, or some other long-lasting, energy-efficient bulb.

DrBill's avatar

all things considered, it takes five
two to argue it was the bush administration that caused it to burn out, even thought it had been burning since 1932. Two to argue how obama will hire hundreds to study the problem, and one independent to ignore them all and just change it.

Shippy's avatar

Fifty, one to change it, and 49 to ask him why his grammar is so bad?

Lightlyseared's avatar

Why does the light bulb have to change? Can’t we just learn to love it the way it is?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Y’all are going about this all wrong. Auggie would crack her whip, the lightbulb would be electrified with excitement, and it would shine yet again.

LuckyGuy's avatar

None. You can fix it yourself.
Collect a pile of AA batteries. Attach 100 of them end-to-end forming an electrical stack with a nominal voltage of 150 Volts. Attach a lead at both ends to form a DC welder. Take the two contacts and attach them to the bulb with electrical tape. Shake the bulb vigorously. When the broken tungsten element momentarily touches the remaining fixed post in the bulb it will reweld itself to the post thus repairing the bulb.
If your country uses a 220 volts you should collect 200 AA batteries.
The shorter tungsten element will burn brighter than the original, significantly shortening its life. Be prepared to either repair the bulb again or use a dimmer switch.

janbb's avatar

@LuckyGuy You are such a poet, m’dear!

LuckyGuy's avatar

@janbb Thanks. Blushing
Also, if you can, make sure to use older, discarded batteries from digital devices. Although they are supposedly empty, they usually have a residual voltage of from 1.2 to 1.4 volts. Use 120 of them for your welding stack.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

What a clever question, outdone only by the wit and creativity of these responses.

wundayatta's avatar

i… because we’re all imaginary, anyway.

ucme's avatar

Could the last person to post in this thread please turn out the light, don’t all rush at once or else it’d be the charge of the light brigade.

Self_Consuming_Cannibal's avatar

[NSFW] I could do it all by myself if my wife strokes my tentacles just right and makes them nice and hard. lol

Pachy's avatar


Pachy's avatar

@shippy—“Can’t we just learn to love it the way it is” is wonderful!

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