Social Question

[NSFW] What is your gender identity?
Gender identity—how male, female or neuter you feel in your heart of hearts—is an extremely personal and complicated thing. Society, particularly in the past, wanted to deal with it in binary fashion. There’s F’s and there’s M’s and you’re either 100% one or 100% the other. But the reality is that men who are 100% he-man male and women who are utterly girly-girl female are the rarity, not the rule. In fact, there’s probably something closer to a standard distribution than a dichotomy, and those who are the 100 percenters are out at the 3rd deviation.
To further complicate matters, some people have little interest in taking up any permanent position on the curve. They are epicene and like that scene. Still others are closer to neuter—just a human being who, though they may have a particular gender’s equipment between their legs, aren’t much concerned about using it. They have little to no interest in presenting as male or female. Being human is enough for them. There are the transgendered, who feel internally that they are one gender, but carry equipment between their legs placing them in the other gender. There are true hermaphrodites, fully or partially equipped with the sexual parts of both genders. Then there is the term, genderqueer, for gender identities that don’t really fit any one neatly defined spot on our bell curve of masculine/feminine behavior.
We’ve had the following series of questions that touched on gender identity, transgenderism, etc. as of late.
• How much of your identity is tied up with your gender?
• Is Body Integrity Identity Disorder as genuine in your mind Gender Identity Disorder?
• Am I Genderqueer?
• What did gendering (or not) your kids teach you about your own gender identity?
• Will society ever come to be so unconcerned with gender identity that males who don a feminine garment will be viewed no differently than females who wear men’s items?
• What makes someone a man or a woman?
Most of the above questions have produced discussions that grew animated. I’m not looking for argumentative answers here, but how each of us actually view ourselves on the gender identity continuum. Forgetting what class of plumbing your were born with; what, if any, gender do you feel fits you? What would you be if you could just shape shift to the perfect body for you?