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ucme's avatar

What in the name of the pope's pencil was that PM about?

Asked by ucme (50052points) January 31st, 2013

Had some bloody strange PM’s from time to time, but this last one takes the bloody biscuit!!
Clearly spam & has since been removed, but who else got one?
For those that didn’t, it suggested I should claim $4 million as a victim of some half-arsed scam…really weird.

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22 Answers

augustlan's avatar

Yeah, that PM spammer hit a lot of people. Has since been BANHAMMERED. Thanks to everyone who let us know about it!

Berserker's avatar

Didn’t get that…I fail to feel left out. XD Also lol, bloody biscuit.

ucme's avatar

@Symbeline Normally I don’t get them, that’s an arrangement i’m more than happy with.

glacial's avatar

It was my first spam PM… and so will always claim a piece of my heart.

Berserker's avatar

Yeah I often hear about fucked up PM’s left by a spammer that many people get, but it’s been a looooong time since I ever got one. Good to know they get eradicated pretty fast.

last one wanted to exchange my soul for frozen soup in an act on unholy asstrimony

XOIIO's avatar

LOL cool, we got to see a forum moderator use banhammer as an actual term XD

FutureMemory's avatar

Anyone save a copy of it? Wanna see.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Where’s mine, dammit??? I feel so neglected!

dxs's avatar

Aww, I’ve never gotten a spam message before.

Sunny2's avatar

I got it and tossed it, thinking, “Yeah, and I’ve got a bridge to sell you.”

ETpro's avatar

Here it is, but I strongly recommend you not email Rosemary:

Dear Beneficiary

sorry for the delay of your payment Your Name has been approved for payment and we are very sorry for the delay in paying you your inheritance sum of $4,000.000.00 DOLLARS been Compensation of your SCAM VICTIMS 2011/2012. we are asking you to stop any communication with any office regarding your SCAM VICTIMS COMPENSATION OF $4MILLION DOLLARS

Our method of payment to all the beneficiaries which you are one of them is Bank to Bank wire transfer or via ATM VISA CARD which will enable you to withdraw any amount in Any ATM Machine. so tell us the method you want to receive your SCAM VICTIM fund as indicate.

you can contact us with out any delay with the following email for fast communication and also send us your



Joseph Ngu Director
UNESCO Office in Abuja

Bellatrix's avatar

I don’t get a cut of the $4 million either. She didn’t write to me. Oh well…

glacial's avatar

Too bad they approved “glacial” for payment. I’d have had a tough time cashing that cheque.

Berserker's avatar

Also, the Pope can’t wield a pencil. Too many rings on his fingers, he can’t move his hands.

jess syain mate

glacial's avatar

@Symbeline I think he may have had a different sort of pencil in mind.

Berserker's avatar

You’re all pervs, ya heard?! :p

FutureMemory's avatar

Thanks @ETpro for posting that.

What a lame scam letter. They can’t even bother to capitalize?

ucme's avatar

I like pencils, they’re cool.
Not sure why anyone would take the time to write that shite & post it to random strangers on the tinterwebz…sad life.

ETpro's avatar

@FutureMemory Every scam letter I have ever gotten has been equally absurd. That’s deliberate. It immediately filters out the people intelligent enough to see through such drivel, and reels in only the truly guileless suckers they want.

Coloma's avatar

It was really meant for me. My grant towards funding the giant strain of geese I am developing as a stealth weapon for the army. Feel free to donate towards this amazingly innovative cause.
The G 52 bomber goose.

blueiiznh's avatar

Mmmmmmmmm spam

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