Social Question

mazingerz88's avatar

NSFW - Who would you pick for your party?

Asked by mazingerz88 (29376points) February 2nd, 2013

Four people. Besides yourself. In your bed. Group sex. Now. Who would they be?

Plus, an object or objects to throw in there. In all that sweaty mess. Could be any gadget. Like maybe Apple products, food…

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20 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I just want one person. She all ready knows it.

Shippy's avatar

I’d clone TheProfoundPorcupine three times, and throw in a spatula. He makes me feel… well, dirty.

whitenoise's avatar

I’d love to clone my wife three times.

As for objects… Something that tastes and smells like strawberries?

bookish1's avatar

Graham Chapman, Brian Molko, Michael Stipe, and Frenchy.

With a melon?

Man, I sure hope someone is a top. But I’ll gladly take [sic] one for the team if need be.

Shippy's avatar

@bookish1 The melon? Just in case they were all tops?

bookish1's avatar

@Shippy: If they were all tops, I’d be one lucky bookish. ;) The melon is for post-coital refreshment.

filmfann's avatar

Helen Thomas, Janet Reno, Madeline Albright, and Natalie Portman

I want to make sure I have Natalie’s full attention

cookieman's avatar

My wife, two hot redheads, and a paramedic – who will treat my wounds after my wife kicks my ass for oogling the redheads.

wundayatta's avatar

My days of foursomes are over. They could only have happened when they did with the friends I had at the time. We were open and adventuresome and we all really liked each other enough to be happy to be naked together and to play like puppies.

Nowadays, it would cause too much drama. We’re too old. Our bodies wouldn’t stand up to the activity. Our psyches probably wouldn’t, either. I think that sort of thing is for young people and for people who have somehow split their psyches in certain ways.

SavoirFaire's avatar

I shared this question with my wife, and we’ve come up with the following arrangement: me, her, Emma Watson, Freida Pinto, Scarlett Johansson, and some restraints.

Berserker's avatar

The four horsemen of the Apocalypse. That’s gotta be smokin’.

ZEPHYRA's avatar

I’ll also pass as I want to be me, pizza, coffee, cake and TV only. Now that is a party!

augustlan's avatar

My husband, Viggo Mortensen, Jake Gyllenhaal, and Ellen DeGeneres (I feel like she’d be fun in bed). And, um, something that requires batteries. ;)

cookieman's avatar

Power Sander??

whitenoise's avatar

A dymo label maker?

mazingerz88's avatar

A cymbal playing toy monkey?

Seek's avatar

Ooh.. hard question. Let’s make it David Tennant, Aidan Turner, Sarah Ramirez, and the drummer in my hubby’s band.

KNOWITALL's avatar

Hard question.

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