Are you a looker or a tosser?
Asked by
rojo (
February 4th, 2013
I had the opportunity last week to spend a couple of hours in a clinic waiting room, always fun during flu season, got bored and started watching people. What I saw led me to watch others around me for the last few days.
My observation led me to the following conclusion: that approximately 85% of the population around me cannot blow their nose without then looking to see what their body had expelled in to the tissue. The majority of these then look disgusted at the contents but that does not stop them from doing the same thing again and again.
Thus the questions:
Are you a looker or can you blow your nose and just throw the tissue away without a viewing?
And, in the Fluther community, is the percentage of lookers about the same?
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37 Answers
Well, the color of your snot can be an indication of whether you have an infection. Light green is bad, I’ve heard.
Tosser means something specific in British colloquial. I can’t wait to see ucme’s response to this.
I’m a looker. Need to make sure I didn’t lose any brain matter. Don’t have enough to spare these days.
Seriously, though. It’s important to see what your body is excreting, so anything abnormal can be reported to the physician.
That’s snot the most genteel question ever asked here, but then, who nose?
I’m a looker the first time (for the diagnostic reasons that @bookish mentioned), but once I have ascertained the color of the drippings, there is no need to look again.
Thoughts on the arse end of this equation on a postcard please…shudders.
I have to look. I had a sinus infection a while back and I’m pretty sure one of my tissue loads contained everything I learned in first grade.
@rojo – I should note that I am a handkerchief user – not a kleenex tissue user- so, well, I get the gift that keeps on giving….
I have allergies, so 98% of the time, I don’t look. But when I’m sick, I will look to see if there are indications of bacterial infection. Don’t think I would do this in public though!!
@bookish1 Yah, I thought of that when I re-read the question but decided to chance it.
@bookish1 Sorry old chap, didn’t see your reference there.
This question could be re-read as “Are you attractive or a wanker?”
Who knows, maybe both.
@ucme: Those two conditions are not mutually exclusive!
@bookish1 Yeah I know, but whaddya want over here…poetry?
@ucme That’s what I thought the question was when I clicked on it!
@Seek_Kolinahr Not a great leap, as the commentator said about the dwarf long jumper.
I see’ said the blind man to his deaf and dumb daughter: as he picked up his hammer and saw.
Is “looker” used in parts of America then or did you just pick that up watching British telly?
Excuse me please, but I am just having my breakfast over here. No looking for me. Thanks bunches. ;-)
I’m definitely a tosser. I might call one or two of you the same…
Ok, so the score thus far is 2 Lookers, 2 Tossers, 2 Sometimelookers and 2 who have not actually answered the question (Yeah, I’m looking at you @bookish1 and @ucme).
@rojo I’d rather get to the bottom of the arse wiping scenario…post’s a little late today.
@ucme, we’re trying to paper over that entire issue.
@elbanditoroso I suspect that to be nothing more than a tissue of lies.
I look at it all: my boogies, my loogies, my pee, my poo, my wipes, and almost anything else that comes out of my various orifices. I’m a looker.
I don’t know about currently, but when I was younger (30–40 years ago) a looker could indicate one of the target sex who was worth looking at again and again…and again…and again…
@ucme, we could talk about that in loo of some other disgusting topics.
I think all people are lookers at some point to see how far has the illness progress. Clear snots is usually allergies or the beginning of a cold. Green will mean you probably are headed for a sinus infection.
Even your poo gives you notices of possible illness. Especially if it is bloody looking. Too pale can indicate that you are lacking vitamins.
The only way to know if you are developing a problem before it is too late is to examine what comes out. Its not a pretty job but no one else is going to volunteer to check it out for you.
And its not like the doctor isn’t going to ask you.
The questions just keep getting better and better. Cancerbag, here I come.
I’m not a “tosser”... sheesh… but I do prefer to toss a tissue without looking. I usually only look at it if I’m starting to feel sick, and I need to check the color. I hate having to do that, though.
Tosspot. Ha! Did I just confess to being an idiot?
If you want to observe something really disgusting, watch drivers (without passengers) waiting at traffic lights. So many of them idle the time away with nose and teeth picking.
@rojo: OK, I’ll play along :-p I look if I suspect I am coming down with a cold, or have congestion and want to find out if it’s a bacterial infection.
@SadieMartinPaul : No, I think you just confessed to being a drunkard…
Ok so, I think that at this point we are up to 3 lookers, 3 tossers, 5 sometimeslookers and @ucme who is still anal-retentive.
This blows my original observations to hell. Thank you Fluther (sarcasm).
@rojo You make that one up all by yourself, or did mommy help?
@SadieMartinPaul & @bookish1 A tosspot is not just an idiot, but one of the highest order, nothing to do with drunkeness, they’re stoopid enough when sober.
And here I thought a tosspot was the receptacle for all those tissues!
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