Do you do different things for Valentine's day now compared to when you were in your twenties?
Clearly, if you are in your twenties, you can’t answer this, unless your habits have changed in a few years. But for people in their thirties, forties, fifties, sixties and beyond, how have your Valentine’s day habits changed? Do you do different things? Have you stopped doing anything at all? Do you think the meaning is different for men and women?
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16 Answers
No, she still gets flowers. I leave them in the car just before she gets out of work.
I used to be all about it like any young pup in love, but after 13 years, we show our love on the daily, but we still try to make Valentines Day special.
My husband and I were young parents when we were in our 20s, so we didn’t have the money to buy each other special gifts for the holiday. There were times when I did get a little envious of my co-workers when they would receive large, beautiful bouquets at work. I wished I had been surprised like that, but I knew my husband couldn’t afford it. I should add that my husband did get me flowers a few times. I thought it was sweet that he went to the trouble to get me something knowing we didn’t have a whole lot of extra money to play with.
We are now in our early 40s and we haven’t done anything special for the holiday for at least 10 years. I think it’s a silly Hallmark holiday and it puts too much pressure on men (and women) to prove their love to their s/o. I appreciate the little things my husband does throughout the year. We don’t need a calendar to remind us when to show appreciation.
@jonsblond That’s sweet that he does things throughout the year. My lady always tells me not to bother, but the smile I get when I get into the car after she finds them is so worth it.
If I am involved with someone, I do at age 57 as I did when I was involved with someone when I was in my 20’s. Cards, a gift or two that is meaningful for Valentine’s Day. Either cook at home, or go out for a special meal, even on the 15th or 16th.
Alas, I am not involved with anyone, so this year I will watch TV.
Flowers for my wife. Chocolates for everyone (wife and kids). That’s been the formula for years. I do try to find different and special chocolates each year, but often it comes down to what is available at the last moment.
It’s been that way since we married. Although I think it changed a bit when the kids came along. Instead of going out, we stay at home. And in the past I used to try to cook something special, but now that she does the cooking, we’ll see if she tries to do something special.
We do special things at other times. We just had a duck a week or so ago. I bought it. She cooked it. It was an adventure. I love duck. My favorite meat. I’ve had several different kinds in the last week. But I digress.
I think I’m saying that little loving gestures are not just the province of Feb 14. So when it also happens then, it’s special, but not super special. Chocolate is special, but that also happens on Easter and Christmas and Halloween. It’s hard to be super special these days. And I’m not sure if it is really desirable. I tell the people I love that I love them every day. That’s special, too, even if it is ordinary.
It’s just another day for me, how sad is that.
No, I still enjoy sending valentines. I like to get my hubby chocolate.
We don’t really do hallmark holidays.
I don’t celebrate it anymore.
Still guaranteed a blow job, pretty much a given.
Yeah, now we just ignore it or wait for the after valentines day chocolate sales when they are trying to get rid of all their leftover candy.
Oh my good Lord, it’s like night and day! In my late teens/early 20s, I would’ve simply “died” if the object of my affection didn’t return my feelings in some romantic way. Likewise, I would go all out for him to show him how I felt. Ick, I think I just threw up a little.
Fast forward 20+ years = Yeah, now I know it ain’t all rainbows and unicorns.
“it ain’t all rainbows and unicorns.”
or leather, lace and chocolate sauce either anymore.
heh heh – now that’s more my speed these days, @rojo !
Yes in my 20’s it was chocolate and enough alcohol to get sex. But now being older, smarter and more mature, I prefer to give the gift that just keeps giving. LOL
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