Social Question

How to un-flip my bipolar switch (see details)
Couple of issues:
I’ve been in the midst of lots of financial woe. I’m applying for Social Security Disability (due to mental illness) but even if I’m accepted, that could be months. I’m also way over my head in debt, and talked to a bankruptcy lawyer this morning, who said my struggle is quite “manageable”. He was referred to me by my best friend’s dad (a judge) so I know he’s not a shyster, fyi So, that’s a relief. Light at the end of that tunnel. And,
I met a guy. He seemed pleasant, distant and then pleasant again. But, he’s a flake. I’m going to break it off with him, preferably in person, but if he’s not available in a day or two, over the phone. Not the classiest means of breaking off a relationship but I can’t delay – part impatience, part integrity.
So, that’s my scenario. I’ve been in touch with my therapist and he’s said the above has “flipped” my switch; from near stability (I swear I was doing well!) to abject misery. I figured eliminating my stressors would eliminate my bipolar episode, but if anything, I’m feeling worse. I can’t afford a visit with the psychiatrist right now… so, Jellies – how can I make myself “un-flip-it?” How can I just feel goddamn sane!