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rojo's avatar

Why is there not a market for People Chow?

Asked by rojo (24187points) February 7th, 2013

You can go to the store and buy a 25lb bag of Dog Chow or Cat Chow or even Pig Chow or Wildlife Chow.
Would you be willing to purchase a product that came in a big bag that provided all of the essential vitamins and nutrients necessary for your existance just to have on hand for those times when you were in a hurry or just didn’t want to cook; particularly if it was a soft, chewy media and not the hard dried stuff that is most common?
What about smaller containers that you could take camping or store in your basement or survivalist shelter?
Imagine the possibilities!

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29 Answers

zensky's avatar

Imagine the possibilities!

rojo's avatar

Dammit, “existEnce”. I need more sleep.

elbanditoroso's avatar

For the longest time, I thought that Dog Chow was made up of ground up canines and Cat Chow was made up of fricaseed felines. But I was 10 years old at the time.

No, I wouldn’t. Humans are peculiar in that there is an aesthetic sense. I want my food to look appetizing and smell appetizing, in addition to being healthy for me. Getting my food in round pebbles from a 40 pound bag is neither attractive or enticing.

bookish1's avatar

Soylent Green?

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

We served Little Friskies at our beer blasts. They always went well.

thorninmud's avatar

It’s already out there in disaster relief programs.

With a name like “BP-5 Compact Food”, I’m sure it’ll catch on big time

Coloma's avatar

Hey, I was eating the original Granola years before it became popular.
The original Granola is sweet horse feed called C.O.B. corn, oats & barley with molasses.
Yes, people chow, tasty little pellets, and you could sell it from vending machines in the park for .50 cents a handful for the human petting zoo. lol

burntbonez's avatar

No one has come up with the right marketing campaign, so far. But you can be sure that once the peoplechow video goes viral on Youtube, the product will be ubiquitous.

diavolobella's avatar

I would not eat it, but I would be on board for Willy Wonka’s gum that tastes like an entire 4 course dinner. As long as they tweaked the dessert so that it did not turn me into a giant blueberry.

SamandMax's avatar

Just pack up a whole load of army rations and mush it together and bobs your uncle, a bag of barely digestible junk! Ace.

marinelife's avatar

People hve taste and like variety. There are ready-made meals, which I guess could be called People Chow in cans, frozen or freeze-dried.

glacial's avatar

@bookish1 is right. Charlton Heston ruined it for everyone.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Is it made from real people?

Berserker's avatar

Well, maybe if I was an adventurer. I could grab cans or mini portable bags of people chow. until I got to the next village and made everything mine

Haha but that would be weird. I might get bored of eating the same thing for a month, if it came in this huge bag. But hey, I gotta save money…

Pachy's avatar

I’m sure there is indeed a canine-run company somewhere doggedly working on doing it.

wundayatta's avatar

Cheeple Pow is the miracle gro of the future. Cheeples will easily achieve heights of seven, eight, and even nine feet. A good-tasting, every day people chow, Cheeple Pow always hits the spot. Fortified with no less than 95 nutrients and essential ingredients, Cheeple Pow makes you smart, good looking, and sexually desirable. You can want nothing more than Cheeple Pow. Make the every day the extraordinary, and make the extraordinary the every day.

Cheeple Pow! Your every day extraordinary people chow!

rojo's avatar

Oooooo!! I want, no NEED some of that!! Can you get an elderly, but still, vigorous celebrity to speak to ME directly through my TV?

Coloma's avatar

Flavor my people chow with some human catnip, and I’ll even jump around and play with a string and a feather. lol

rojo's avatar

Human Catnip? Is that a member of the Sativa Specie?

WestRiverrat's avatar

The military calls them Unitized Group Rations now when packaged to feed a large number, or Meals Ready to Eat when they are packaged for individual consumption.

And I generally have a case on hand for the winter survival kits and emergency rations. I rotate the old ones out every now and then to keep them fresh.

diavolobella's avatar

This is sort of funny. My SO calls me “The Barnacle” and sometimes when he asks what I want to eat when we are going out, I tell him “Barnacle Chow” and also write that on my to-go boxes from restaurants, so my kids don’t eat my leftovers. LOL

glacial's avatar

@WestRiverrat Does that mean you actually eat the ones on the way out?

WestRiverrat's avatar

@glacial Yes, they are good for 15+ years and I never keep them past 5. If I feel like it I will feed them to the local cub scouts, they always get a kick out of eating ‘army’ food.

creative1's avatar

Isn’t cereal in that sort of line especially with milk added to it. The add all these vitamins to the cereals now a days.

augustlan's avatar

For a long, long time, I didn’t really like to eat. I was a majorly picky eater (super taster) for one thing, and just too damn busy to take the time to eat well on top of that. I used to really wish there was a pill I could take that would eliminate the need to eat actual food altogether.

Even now that I like food way more than I should, I still hate to cook. I usually only eat one meal a day and frequently forget to eat at all until I’m about passing out from hunger. The idea of People Chow appeals to me, so long as it tastes good. Crunchy for me, thanks.

I can’t be the only person like this, right? Market it right, and I bet it would appeal to a niche market, at least.

Strauss's avatar

It would probably be good washed down with copious amounts of Caf-Pow.

parsleysage's avatar

I like it. Somebody make it. Especially for those with unattentive spouses that drink all night and then come in to eat about midnight and eat alone in front of the TV which leaves me alone to eat. Every night. it would be nice to have just a handful to just get me by so it’s not so painful to nourish myself. Easy. Nutritious. Somebody get on this. AND I do like the vending machines idea like at zoos.. so i dont have to carry it around with me. Less thinking. i have enough to try to solve. Hungry. hmm there s some food… _goes to get the food _

Earthgirl's avatar

I could really use some Cheeple Pow about now…

Strauss's avatar

@Earthgirl washed down with some Paf-Cow!

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