What make was your first ever car & do you remember it with fondness or frustration?
Asked by
ucme (
February 7th, 2013
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Was it bought new?
How long did you own it?
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37 Answers
It was a Ford Fairlane 500. That thing was a tank. I remember it fondly.
1946 Dodge. My maternal grandfather ran an auto repair shop, picked this up after a highway crash, banged all the dents out and rebuilt it for me. It was my first car and I was just 16 in 1953. It was dirty and dusty and we covered the seats with yellow canvas. I loved that car.
I learned how to drive a shift car when I drove the Dodge home down the Boston Post Road. My mother, who followed me in the family Buick, said it was like watching a Mexican jumping bean wobbling down the highway.
@gailcalled That’s an endearing mental image, it truly is.
It was a Chevy Chevette handed down to me by my parents. It broke down a lot, but the price was right. Of course, I was driving from upstate New York to NYC once, and there’s this big hill on Rt !7 just before it meets with the NY State Thruway, and my muffler died and all of a sudden I had no power and it was sleeting and I could barely make it over the hill.
When I got back home, I forget what the garage said, but I ended up selling the car for scrap and buying myself a Toyota. I have owned nothing but Toyotas since then.
A Chevelle SS. That was a fast car. Why I’m still alive is kind of surprising. I also got some nice action on the hood of that car.
A rust bucket 68 Cougar with a 4 bbl Holley on a 351 Windsor engine. Only street race I lost was the one the rod went through the block. Had about 275,000 miles on it when it blew up.
I’m looking forward to getting my first car in the next few years. My dad has plans to take this ‘68 Volkswagen chassis that he got for $500 this summer and build a one-of-a-kind car on top of it. We’ll see if it happens.
A ‘94 Saturn SL2. My mom got it free with her craptastic minivan. I got the better car, funnily enough. No one realised it because the woman who owned it before me was a heavy smoker and the car was disgusting. Took me four days to get the cigarette butts and nicotine out of every orifice of that car. It was fast though. And it lasted me six years, which isn’t bad considering it was my first car (what the hell did I know about taking care of a car?) and had been thoroughly abused before I ever got it.
A late ‘60s International Travelall. I bought it with some scholarship money. Already had 74,000 miles on it when I bought it.
I wanted one of these because this was what Ansel Adams (a personal hero at the time) turned into his mobile photography platform for tooling around the Sierras.
It had little curtains that you could draw to cover the windows in the rear section, so it made a decent camping car. This was what I drove on my first flight out of the family nest to seek a life in the great West.
I would remember it very fondly indeed if it hadn’t given me so many mechanical problems.
@Seek_Kolinahr I bet the interior stunk of smoke, i’m thinking, get rid of the seat covers!!
I should reveal my first motor, it was a birthday present, my 18th & it was one of these, only in red…Ford Capri, never gave me any problems, I traded it in 4yrs later for a better model, nice car though.
My Pops bought me a used AMC Javelin. I didn’t own it long enough to develop fondness or frustration since my sister wrecked it. Sheese! What memories.
1979 Chevy Chevette. I bought it myself when I turned 18. I worked as a janitor after school from the time I was 14 until my senior year of high school. My parents helped me get a work permit with the stipulation that I had to bank every paycheck and I had to be ready at 11 p.m. when my dad picked me up from work. I used the money for a down payment.
I loved that car. I put a flue block in the hatch-back over the rear axle and thought that little car was a 4-wheel drive. It could go anywhere in the snow and ice.
My car payments were something like $90 a month. LOL Ah, the good old days.
I bought an old Mercury sedan from someone I didn’t know. It was cheap. When I went to register it, it had a lien against it and I had to pay more for it. I was so naive and ignorant, I had no idea about how a car worked. It really was a year of strengthening my driving skills and taking responsibility for a car. I had no affection for it whatsoever. I then bought a brand new VW. That I bonded with and drove cross country with it. It was great.
@Adirondackwannabe OMG, I LOVE Chevelles! I dated a guy that had one and he let me take it and drive all the time, red with white racing stripe.
I had a 1976 (?) Chevy Malibu, four door, banana yellow with a kickin stereo.
Who purchased it? My mom
Was it bought new? No
How long did you own it? 2 yrs maybe
Why so many questions? I don’t know, ucme is silly.
Will they ever stop? Probably not, he’s a masochist
Are you still reading these? Still better than work
I never actually bought a car. Well, that is, my ex husband used my money to buy our first car along with his trade=in. It was a CHECKER MARATHON in yellow. A beautiful, unique car, brand new. The problem was the floor heating on the drivers’ side didn’t work and he almost got frostbite in Colorado. Too bad.
@KNOWITALL That was back when GM made some good stuff. Those were fun cars.
1969 Firebird This is a picture of the car, not my actual car. I loved it until I had to get out and beat the battery terminals with my shoe before it would start. I did this for about 6 months before I sold it. It was a used car and I bought it with money made from my first job working at the candy counter of a dime store.
‘87 Corolla sedan. Not pretty, far from fast, but ultra-reliable and awesome in the snow. I had that car almost three years before giving it to my father-in-law who neglected it to death. (Protip : Oil changes are not, “A conspiracy by the fucking ragheads”, as he put it, but rather, an essential maintenance requirement.) I loved it so much that I am on my third Corolla sedan; an ‘86 this time.
My first car was a 2001 Subaru Outback. My dad bought it new 13 years ago. It has only 157000 miles on it and I still drive it, although it can’t go over 62–64mph because the hood was replaced.
1986 Dodge Lancer. I bought it (with some help from my Grandfather) when I turned 16. I loved that car and have a ton of great memories in it. I had it for almost 2 years. The transmission ended up going out in it and it would’ve cost more to repair it than it was worth.
It was a very used ‘53 Plymouth, ugliest gray you ever saw, gift from Dad. After a few months I broke it. A year later he bought me a slightly newer but still ancient Buick. This thing was so heavy the door rattled your teeth when you closed it. Dashboard completely metal, sprouting huge metal knobs. I have no idea what happened to that one. This was way before seat belts, as you probably guessed. Neither car made me a babe magnet.
1968 Mustang Fastback. I loved it, but it was pretty beat. My dad used to restore cars. He’d already restored a ‘65 Mustang convertible and a ‘69 Skylark convertible. He bought mine intending to do the same, but I guess he lost interest because he never did. People still loved it. It was dark green metallic with white stripes. My high school colors included dark green, so it was way cool. It also had a hole in the muffler at one point and some of my classmates asked if it had headers on it. LOL I just said, “Sure..”
1976 Ford Pinto and it has some really fun memories of me rocking out to AC DC in it, at the time my favorite song was Big Balls. It was a good learning car that you could learn to drive in and it didn’t matter if something happed to it because it was a sh_t box. An example of this is when I was doing a 3 point turn in Maine and it was pouring out and the car sliped off the road and was hanging on a little cliff where a tow truck got us back on the road. After they got it on the road we were off again. If it were a nice car I would have been paniced about scratching or denting it but since it was my little beater it didn’t matter. This car is what I taught my sisters to learn how to drive on. Thinking about it just brings back wonderful memories.
A white ‘64 Mercury Comet with rusted out floorboards and window rolldown knobs that fell off all the time!
I had rags stuffed into the holes on the floorboards to keep the cold air out in winter. During the summer I removed the rags and pretended I had air conditioning.
I recall her fondly even though I almost got myself shot by a DPS officer while searching for the lever to roll down the windows when I got stopped because the exhaust gasket had burned out and the SOB sounded like I had GlassPacks! (Did not get shot but did get a ticket).
It got me where I needed to go until I sold her and replaced her with a ‘64 Dodge Dart with NO rust! What an improvement!
It was a Ford in the strangest color (my dad chose it since he thought as a girl(?) I’d like a strange color. I paid for it.
1969 Austin 1800 Mark 2. I bought it for $750 when I was sixteen, and loved it despite the rust and oil leaks.
@KNOWITALL I admit to being silly, only most of the time though, but masochist!?!
Anyway, cheers folks, good stuff!
She was a white Rover Metro and I loved her. Her name was Dolly and I bought her from my grandmother for £800. Sadly, I crashed her and she was a write off a year after I bought her :(
@ucme Just being silly, since you kept posting the nonsense questions. With love as always!!! :)
@KNOWITALL Nonsense?? Why it took me several seconds to come up with those & you dismiss them as nonsense…you’re a cold, heartless woman & no mistake ;¬}
Bwah, 1970 Ford Galaxy 500, four door turquoise color paint, how could I forget it. I would like to note, the engine was a 351 Windsor.
@choreplay My parents had one of those! I think it is still in the garage buried under a lifetime of junk. I am going to Alabama this March and I will look for it!
@rojo, I miss it actually, great first car to have and when and where I had it, what kind of car you drove didn’t matter. Let me tell you, it was fast and powerful, that engine alone is worth some money.
@choreplay My parents had one when I was in high school. I think it was burgundy.
My first car was a 1980 Honda Accord, hatchback, with a 1751cc engingine and a 5-speed manual transmission. It had no a/c and it did have an AM/FM Stereo radio. I bought a tape deck shortly after i got the car, and my father installed it for me. My father bought it used from someone he worked with It was a great car, I learned to drive a stick on it, and subsequently, taught my younger brother how to drive a stick on it as well. I had the car for about two years until my father died, and I got my dad’s car, (‘81 Nissan 310 GX). I gave my Honda to my brother, so that he had a car to drive. Loved that car :)
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