Social Question

Is he interested or playing around?
I’m his co-worker—technically, we’re in the same team.
At our first team gathering, I didn’t think much of it until the end. There were 3 guys and 3 girls left. One girl accidentally asked me what was my boyfriend’s ethnicity. It was weird that she randomly asked me this question. I had to stumble a little because my relationship was on and off with my currently “off” boyfriend. He started acting rather distant after hearing this, and well, the mini party was over after. I noticed him acting rather different, but I didn’t really think much of it.
I noticed that he’s nice to everyone, so again, I don’t think much of it until recently when he invited me to his party at his home. A lot of people were invited, and obviously, I don’t think much of it. I don’t know most of the people he invited—just a few I know from random encounters.
At his party, things were alright. We get to talk, and the usual.
This is where things get heated up. Party’s over, everyone’s going home, and I was about to leave, but I decided to chill a little longer. I have a little crush on him, but it’s just because he was “nice” and nothing else.
There were 2 other guys, beside him and myself. They were drinking, and someone popped a wine. 10–15mins later, they left. It was just the two of us left. He was somewhat drunk, and I was rather tipsy.
He pulled me, and started asking me if I have a boyfriend, and assuring me that he’s not gay—real straight. He started kissing me, whereas I pushed him aside telling him that it’ll be weird at work, and the struggle continued until I gave in (I felt tired after shoving him away, and I was not in the mood for some reason after being tipsy/drunk).
We kissed, and he started touching me nearing my private areas—and that was when I had to push him away completely.
At work, we talk like usual, except we chat more. He asked me if I were to go to work’s night out, and etc. Our random chats were just a tad bit more ‘intimate’ than just being friends. At the night out, we sat next to each other, and I had a feeling he was trying to talk to me about last night, but I made it distant. I like him, but I’m not sure that I wanted to go that way completely… I guess, in a way, I’m just not ready to be serious with him (this is my 3rd month knowing him).
I tried to be a bit more caring to him, well, just because I do care for him. He’s stressing at work a lot, and I wanted to just care for him.
Note that I’m trying to be as neutral as possible explaining this story. I know that my story can be a bit biased, but if you need more information, I can give a bit more insight.
Your insight to this matter can be very helpful to decide whether I should slowly pursue this weird state of friendship.
Thank you all.