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flutherother's avatar

Which films have you seen that get off to a great start only to finally disappoint?

Asked by flutherother (35015points) February 8th, 2013

I’ve just seen Hyde Park on Hudson which is a good film and worth seeing for the acting and the photography but I felt the story line lost it’s way after a great start.

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6 Answers

ucme's avatar

Sex & the City, they were under starters orders & ready for the race, I even placed a bet on Sarah to win, no horse race though…shame.

SamandMax's avatar

Sherlock Holmes. That’s ALL I’m gonna say about it.

mazingerz88's avatar

Star Wars episodes I-III. The first 15 seconds were great.

wildpotato's avatar

Despicable Me.

filmfann's avatar

No movie ever made ever got off to a better start only to faceplant ⅓ of the way into it than Zardoz

Another one that lost me, after a great start, was The Tree of Life

Kraigmo's avatar

Les Miserables started off with a bang, then started to slowly sink the more the lead actor, some famous big-shot Hollywood actor guy, started whispering lines that he couldn’t sing properly. They never shoulda cast big name stars in the movie. Big name stars ruin movies.

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