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What is the general consensus on Mr. Mom's?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) February 13th, 2013

This may have come up before. I don’t remember.

Say there is a male who never works, his wife works overtime to pay the bills. He takes care of the parenting, pta’s tutoring carpooling and the cooking. The house work to a degree though not the most diligent.

I know I personally would not accept this living arrangement. But I would not be a house wife either.

I know a person in this situation. Everyone generally looks down on him. It is a marital problem esp. since the kids are both school age now.

I see how low his confidence is. I see how people slightly look down on him. This is another sexist issue? To me it is an unfair division of duties to both parties. But a man should have as much right to be householder as a female right?

Alright… just a jumble of thoughts… go with it.

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