[NSFW] What was your best "good time" ever?
Asked by
ETpro (
February 15th, 2013
TGIF time again. We’re talking about a “good time” having nice, dirty SEX! Just can’t say sex in the question. But raw sex is the topic, so this one’s sure to stimulate your weekend gene.
What was your best sex ever? Who, what, when, where and why was it so good?
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48 Answers
@ETpo You and your sex questions. You come off as a dirty old horndog. lol
I thought a gentleman wasn’t supposed to tell? But it involved an immense mental and emotional connection. It wasn’t anything casual. I was literally drained.
Dude, I have already spilled my guts about it all over Fluther. It was so good that I didn’t have sex with anyone else for two months afterward, and I am a dirty young horndog. It was an experience that I had dreamed about for years, and never imagined could ever actually come true. That little French bastard spoiled me for life. If I ever see him again, I’m going to give him a good spanking.
Same with me, @Adirondackwannabe, an intense emotional and physical connection, totally mindblowing.
Cabin in the Berkshires, on some particularly great acid. It’s hard to describe, but sex with someone you have an intense connection with while tripping is unvelievably amazing. It was like we could physically feel everything the other person was feeling.
@KNOWITALL You just reminded me of Bill Murray, in Stripes, where he and the woman get out of the toy chest after having sex and he says “That was interesting”. The difference between making love and having sex is pretty big.
Some experiences are best left as memories. ;-)
@Adirondackwannabe : Yeah, it was thanks to my experience this summer that I learned that important difference.
@bookish1 I think learning that is what differentiates boys and girls from men and women.
@Adirondackwannabe I feel sorry for people who haven’t had the opportunity to experience it, it’s only happened to me with two different people my entire life.
@ETpro Sorry I hijacked your thread. I’m guessing you wanted light and fun and I took it to a deep emotional issue. I can recall some really embarassing stories if that will help.
Both times my kids were conceived, not only did it feel fantastic, but what an end product…whoo-hoo!
@wildpotato: It wasn’t the acid; it was the cabin in the Berkshires.
Trying to label one event as the best would diminish my sex life.
Certainly I have really loved making love outdoors; on a raft in an Adirondack lake, on a side trail off a mountain top and in our little locker room at a a beach and tennis club.
[NSFW] What was your best sex ever?
The female sex so far ;-)
Two women, both wanted me. Couldn’t decide which one would have me, so they both put their heads together and decided to share. Chased me all over and wouldn’t let me have a moment’s rest. But I didn’t mind. Too bad it couldn’t last. But for one day, we were totally crazy over each other.
@wildpotato I know exactly what your taking about. My best was probably on acid as well. You become one with that person during the experience.
A couple of months ago. Never felt that way before. Just emotionally intense, thus wonderful. I really let my guard down.
And it’s ‘frisky Friday’. @ETpro, you be careful you don’t pop those stitches.
To answer your question, there are a few occasions when sex with a person has been exceptional. The who, where, what, when etc. aren’t really the relevant difference to me. The thing that made each situation mind blowing was the connection to my partner on that occasion. With us both being totally into and lost in ‘being together’ and what we were doing with and to each other. It wasn’t the mechanics of the sexual activity that made it mind blowing, but the mental connection that was so acute that the physical reaction and interaction becomes intense. A bit like having a song or ley line from me to the other person and back again. Both of us totally in tune and in synch with the other. Like you can read not just their mind but their feelings and in doing so, play a perfect tune with their body (and vice versa).
With someone whom love was a mutuality. Looks don’t matter when there is real love. Alas.
It was definitely with my current GF, but I don’t think I should say more than that, although I will say she has some serious fucking skills man.
Oh, didn’t even realize it’s Friday until I saw this question. Best sex? What else, this amazingly beautiful Asian sex worker who did such great wonderful things to my anus that I was completely tongue tied. : )
Btw, next thing we know, @ETpro would be asking for videos. Editing mine now.
I think here would be the last place I shared my best sex ever. But great question anyway @ETpro
When I was 18 i did pretty much everything you can think of with a 40 year old woman.
It blew my mind.
My first wife… now why did we get divorced again?
Being polyamorous, it is all good.
Probably my first sexual adventure with my boyfriend. And yes, it was in Las Vegas. Not that nothing will ever match that, but it was so thrilling because we were really on our own.
I had 3 outstanding lovers that created my bar for me. They were all best times with these individuals, even when it wasn’t and the emotions and reasons why they were so great were very different.
The first was my mentor. I was 18 and he was 10 years older and very experienced. He taught me a lot and made it a good experience. We both had roommates so we liked the car a lot. He wrapped me into a complete sensual world with music his sexy voice, naughty talk, eye contact, despite or because of the car every move was a dance that got deeper. We were fond of each other. I eventually lost contact with him a yr or two after he left state.
The second was my love. Our bodies fit so well together there was trust chemistry attraction love exploration moodiness of living together and knowing each other. Intimacy that built bigger and higher over the years and room for expression and exploration.
The third was primal. Need, athletcism, creativity, spontanity, endurance, pushing the limits. It was consuming passion that caught on fire quickly and burned white hot until it consumed itself. I cared for him too but I knew it was destructive and unsustainable.
@ETpro I thought it was more like this guy. Old Dirty Bastard (ODB).
@Adirondackwannabe Oh for that feeling.
@Mama_Cakes Half and half with this and you got me.
@bookish1 I’ve been a dirty young thing and now a dirty old one. Scoring’s easier for the young ones. But memories are far better now. Youthful exuberance vs. seasoned experience. Both, please.
@KNOWITALL I do know this feeling. It’s sublime.
@wildpotato Similar story here. On acid and ludes. In LA. Usually on acid I couldn’t perform, but this night we just merged together with it and I couldn’t count haw many times we both came, all night long.
@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Understood, especially if the other person involved might read this forum.
@Adirondackwannabe Not at all. I wanted honest answers, and that what you gave. My all not wildness above was with a committed partner in a long-term relationship as well. Despite the drugs, it would have never risen to that level of intimacy had that not been so.
@ucme Do you actually do it so seldom you know exactly which session produced each of your progeny?
@gailcalled Surroundings can certainly matter.
@fremen_warrior Cute. Does “so far” mean the jury is still out?
@burntbonez You’re one up on me there. Been in some threesomes but they were more bother than they were worth. Double pursuit had to feel flattering even if you ultimately “fell short”.
I guess it was the time I passed out. I just plain fell blissfully asleep. No, we hadn’t been drinking or smoking anything. I think he slept a bit too.
@uberbatman Same here.
@Mama_Cakes I am delighted for you.
@Bellatrix I can totally relate to that. The acid experiences that @wildpotato, @uberbatman and I spoke of all involved exactly that.
@zensky True
@SamandMax Enough said. You’re a fortunate couple.
@mazingerz88 OK, editing yours now. ETpro, being very anal erotic, is now asking for videos of this encounter. Stand and deliver!
@Shippy If not in an anonymous forum, then where?
@Crumpet Lucky you. Cougars are sooo feline.
@flutherother It hurts to hear you bring that up. I can sooo relate to that.
@DrBill To nebulous. Details, details.
@DominicX Even if they are tentative and not altogether extraordinary on a “what-was-done” level, first love is special.
@rosehips I’m fascinated by that first experience. He sounds like an exceptional lover. Too bad you drifted apart.
I’ve tried just about everything on the menu, and had some fun experiences and some mediocre ones, but I’ve never had a deep emotional connection with a sex partner. They were all pretty cool people, but not really kindred spirits. It’s not something I think too much about. The things I care about most are learning new things and working toward self-actualization. The right person will come along when we’re ready to meet each other.
@ETpro Retrospective, it’s key to my answer & we only hump when there’s a y in the day.
@ETpro Always wanted to try ludes; they sound very nice. I never had a sedative that makes me horny. Maybe if I ever make it down to South Africa.
@ETpro I’ve never once met a guy I felt attracted to, so I don’t know, but I try to keep an open mind ;-)
Too many good times. No one best. Can’t answer this question.
@wundayatta Isn’t that tantamount to saying they were all pretty much the same ole same ole?
OK man. Have it your way, I can’t get inside anyone else’s head to discern what they can and can’t remember of sensual experiences. But I’ve eaten a lot of food in my near 7— years on earth and I can easily list the one or two mountaintop experiences with out of this world entrees.
totally unrelated, but I just had to share this GEM with you guys and gals :D
@fremen_warrior I don’t get it. She wants the umbrella to be used as a dildo?~
I’ll never look at umbrellas in quite the same way again. Especially the salacious kind with the smooth, curving handle.
Always during the second week of a vacation. Stress gone. Pure joy.
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