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Brother stole $600 from me. What do I do?
I am currently 16 and my brother is 10. He has been stealing money from me for the past year and a half, and recently I finally caught him because I marked my bills. Over this time, he has stolen about $600 from me and I am very angry because I am not a wealthy kid and that was all of my money that I worked hard to get. He has already spent all of it and when I told my parents they talked to him and said that he would pay $200 back (because he is a child). He spent all of the money on food, shoes, and legos. Furthermore, I feel he has no remorse for this act, and I feel given the chance he will do it again. He also lies quite often and had lied for a while about this. I would very much like to teach him a lesson, but also get my money back because I need it and I feel that, even given he is a child, he should be paying back at least more than half of what he stole. Please post advice.
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