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zensky's avatar

Play a fun and educational game with me?

Asked by zensky (13426points) February 16th, 2013

This isn’t original – though I wish it were.

I have taken this from the Top Pun Richard Lederer.

It’s called Icky Picky.

The idea is to think of two rhyming words, then give the definitions as clues. The Icky Picky (or Ickity Pickity) part is for how many syllables the words have.

Here’s an easy example:

criticize recreation (icky picky)

Blame Game

Get it? Let’s start with a really hard one: hint – you may have to really search for the second term.

Absurd nest-living.

Good luck and enjoy!
(Ickitity Pickitity – that’s four syllables)

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41 Answers

zensky's avatar

I know the first one is terribly difficult – so start your own whether you get the first one or not.

Kardamom's avatar

I couldn’t figure yours out : (

Hair Funky

zensky's avatar

@Kardamom You should include how many syllables by stating Icky Picky or Ickity Pickity etc.

Jeruba's avatar

I learned this game as “hink pinks” when I was about 10 or 11, so it’s not original with Lederer either. It was written up in a kids’ magazine. Elsewhere I saw it called “inky pinky.”

dxs's avatar

Is the first one irrational pterodactyl? Is that pushing it? Hey I was going to say preposterous ostrich.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um….well. I was an expert Chinese jump rope jumper in 2nd grade.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t get the syllables part. Ickity pickity is 3 syllables and 3 syllables. I want to play.

zensky's avatar

Let’s start over. Icky Pick y is the name of the game and represents the amount of syllables the words will have. Icky Picky means up to two syllables – so if you are going for Nearly Yearly you’ll write (Icky Picky). Three syllables you must add a syllable to Icky Picky and thus the hint will be Ickity Pickity. Four sylllables will be Ickitity Pickitity – as in mine – Ridiculous Nidicolous.

So think up rhyme expressions, define them using some humour, and add the Ickity Pickity syllable clue.

Here’s another one:

Vision Crew (Icky Picky)

Unbroken's avatar

Is there an easy section where I can give this a trial run?

I get the concept the answers are just eluding me.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Flippin’ Drippin’. Icky Picky. Like that?

Kardamom's avatar

Since nobody took a guess on mine, the answer is beard and weird. I didn’t know about the syllables thing, though : (

Sorry you picked door number three. What has she won Bob? A billy goat!

zensky's avatar

@Dutchess_III Flippin’ Drippin’ would be the answer. The clue would be something like somersaulting rainfall.

JLeslie's avatar

Why is this so difficult for me?

What about:
Color digit (icky picky)

Did I do it correctly? Can you guess?

Kardamom's avatar

umber number

Kardamom's avatar

En Pointe, City of Burghers

Icky Picky

JLeslie's avatar

@Kardamom Are you answering my puzzle?

I screwed up because I forgot it has to rhyme.

I was thinking green thumb.

zensky's avatar


Where have all the wordsmiths gone? Long time passing.

Kardamom's avatar

LOL @JLeslie, yes I was answering your question. Who knew there would be more than one correct answer. At first I was trying to come up with a color that rhymed with finger and I couldn’t think of one.

Kardamom's avatar

Poor Zensky, this game is like trying to herd cats.

JLeslie's avatar

Math was my better subject. LOL.

Unbroken's avatar

I can’t think of yours @Kardamom
but finally thought of a few

Pair threat

Icky Picky

Dutchess_III's avatar

Um…Divorce? I’m so lost. Where’s my cat?

Kardamom's avatar

@rosehips is it Double Trouble?

JLeslie's avatar

Ooh good guess. That sounds right.

I keep trying to come up with something. I suck so bad at this.

Unbroken's avatar

It is right: :)

zensky's avatar


Here’s one:

Sociable Criminal (Ickity Pickity)

And this would be a good time to show some lurve mofos.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Zen…does the “ickity Pickity” refer to the answer to the riddle? Yes HolographicUniverse. Lurve comin’ right up!

Dutchess_III's avatar

Whew. After givin all that Lurve I feel like I’m in someone’s 10K or 20K party!

zensky's avatar

Icky Picky refers to the syllables. Icky Picky is the default: one or two. Ickity Pickity would mean there are three and so forth. I weary.

Kardamom's avatar

@zensky Did you guess my second one yet?

zensky's avatar

@Kardamom Nope. Not with one or two syllables. What is it?

Ballet Government….

Dutchess_III's avatar

Where is your icky-picky ^^^^ Zen?


Kardamom's avatar

@zensky It’s ballet and Calais. Calais (pronounced calay) is a city in France. One of artist Auguste Rodin’s most famous sculptures is titled The Burghers of Calais. I figured no one would get it unless they were an art history geek like me : )

Icky Picky

Next puzzle: wee feline, head over heels (this one is super easy) icky picky.

zensky's avatar


Good one, however, it should’ve been the other way around. Smitten Kitten. Adjective before noun.

Magical Penis. (Icky Picky)

@dutchess – it was a guess. Kardamom’s Ballet Calais….

JLeslie's avatar

Trick Dick?

zensky's avatar

You always get the penis ones.

JLeslie's avatar

You could have used magical detective.

zensky's avatar

I knew you’d prefer the alternative. Girls like my penis. But I digress. And you’re happily married.

(Meet me in PM)

Dutchess_III's avatar

Would you two get a room please!

Richard Nixon @JLeslie. Now, where is the icky picky? Icky Dicky?

Or was the answer really “Magical Detective”?

Kardamom's avatar

OK, here’s a new puzzle: Fetching, Blood Money (this one is probably too easy)

Icky Picky

Dutchess_III's avatar

Urrrrrrrr…......yeh. So easy I’m not even going to waste my time on it! WTF???

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