Social Question

What has your child taught you, lately?
Whether we want to or not, whether we admit it or not, we are constantly learning from our kids.
I haven’t learned nearly enough yet.
This is not a general question, but rather, a specifically focused question about learning something from your kid.
When people watch my son play basketball – and at times see us playing pick-up together, they wonder at his skill and ask me whether I taught him how to play. It is, indeed, au contraire.
This question is inspired by my actually having learnt to appreciate and enjoy (both watching and playing) sports – from my son.
I not only can now watch and enjoy sports on TV (and even better – at the sporting arena/stadium/center) – but have taken up playing sports I never dreamed I would. This has given me both pleasure and health; I enjoy more real time with my son – and I get a work-out I probably wouldn’t have ordinarily.
Thank you my son, for teaching me to enjoy sports.
And what have you learned from your child, lately?