NSFW Outdoor "frolic:" where have you done it?
Outdoor sex? Where have you done it? In cars or other vehicles or anywhere with a man made structure overhead doesn’t count.
How was it? What did you like and what didn’t you like? What advice would you give someone you cared about if they wanted to have sex in the same place?
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26 Answers
OMG, there is a sexual exploit I missed! Is it too late now?
Oh wait. I went down on the lesbian GF of a friend on Venice beach one night. She needed to pee and had nothing to wipe up with. I assured her it’s perfectly safe and sterile when fresh, and that I minded not at all cleaning her up.
Oh I love outdoor sex.
Against a tree, alongside the river, on granite boulder on the top of a hill, in the tundra, hot tub, hot springs. A platform in a tree.
Note: these were all essentially wild and less frequently traveled areas. Where there was a small potential of getting caught. But not so much.
My advice its fun it is great, if you or partner are wearing bug dope don’t lick suck nibble.
If there is sand bring a sarong/towel to lay down or use a prop, a boat, log or whatever jumping in the water is good clean off.
Bring snacks and water, and something to clean up with. If you are caught laugh it off, everyone understands.
@Only138 The best sex always is gross. I pity the overly fastidious.
@rosehips If you are caught laugh it off, everyone understands. Yep. They’re either “Been there, done that.” or “Damn, wish that was me.”
there was a lakeside in IL, MI, MO, CA, FL, TX.
beach in Tampa, St. Petersburg, San Diego, Daytona, Miami, San Francisco
On top of a dam in IL, CO, WA, OR.
in a car in IL, MO, CA, CO, NV, TX, MS, LA, FL, GA, AL, AK, IN, OH.
might add some more later…
Well, I’ve jacked off in the forest before; and my boyfriend and I also fooled around in a secluded wooded area in the same forest (woods near Lake Tahoe). What I liked about it was being in the environment—the feeling of being free and out there with nature. What I didn’t like was that even though both instances were fun, I couldn’t fully shake off the fear that someone would come along and discover me even though both times I made sure I was far off a trail.
On a sand dune near the Atlantic Ocean. I don’t recommend it. Too much sand gets in too many places.
It’s hard to beat making love on the beach under a full moon.
Watch out for cops.
Me and my wife did it in a graveyard. That was pretty awesome.
Don’t worry we didn’t do it on top of anyone’s grave.
I wonder why I don’t see all these people shagging all over the place? as there are so many
On the hot hood of a car, at a construction site at night. It was great, but the heat from the engine burned my ass. Bring something to protect your ass, and something to clean up with.
On a hillside behind an elementary school, in the middle of the night. Got caught by a security guard. Don’t do it!
I suppose the question is, “Where haven’t I done it?”
Gee, I once did it in a park just because it had my same first name. :D
Let’s see… in a field, but who hasn’t done that? On a beach (at night under the moonlight), but again, that’s so common, isn’t it?
I’ve done it in a sailboat, but that’s a particular type of “manmade structure” overhead, that I don’t think you’d have a problem with that, would you?
Maybe the oddest place was on the gently sloping roof of a shed we had attached to our house in Wisconsin. That by itself may not have been so outré, but the house was only about 50’ away from our neighbor’s house.
More places may occur to me, but… I’ve had a lot of sex in a lot of places. I’m proud enough that I’ve been able to recall all of the participants!
Sail boat is ok. Not a structure covering you pretty completely from the view of the sky. Cars are not appropriate for answers to this question. Except, possibly, a convertible or some other vehicle without a roof, like one of those open decked tour buses.
Oh, I almost forgot “in a public swimming pool” (in the middle of the night), but that wasn’t coitus, it was something else (which nearly drowned me, if that is enough of a hint).
@CWOTUS Sounds like good clean fun—if you survive.
In the bushes on the edge of a park. Cars were driving past not twenty feet away. This was at night in a major city. I enjoyed that my partner was as hot for me as I was for her, and just couldn’t wait until we got somewhere more normal. This was by no means the first time that we’d been unable to wait. But the other times took place in cars, which don’t count.
Actually, I recommend it. We didn’t get caught. I don’t think there was much risk. It was very exciting to know people were driving by in cars nearby and we were in one of the greatest cities in the world, and we could just do it because we wanted to.
But that was a very long time ago, and I was a much different person. I still had hope, then.
Ok, does it count if I gave my husband a blowey in the car not convertable while he was driving in heavy traffic? I do recall he waved at a truck driver passing by…or does that not count because of the car or because of the truck in the way because I actually looked which was hard enough considering the gymnastics I was already doing trying to stay in the seatbelt. Lol. But! I could see the sky after the truck passed by, it was a bright blue early june afternoon, windows were open and it was a beautiful day. :)
I was young and stupid once.
Good Advice:Never alter the mind of a driver who is in control of a vehicle at that time, it’s reckless and stupid!
Now, @nofurbelowsbatgirl, I can tell you’re just trying to slip a brag in. Surely you have a brag that would fit the rules here? Just dig in deep to the memory banks. Although, had I asked a question about car sex, this would surely have been an eye opener! ;-)
@wundayatta lmao, actually I wasnt trying to brag..I was actually wondering if it fit because I could see the sky, and just to let you know, if it was a convertable I still would of done it. Lol. We just were not so lucky to have convertable. :( When I was young I was quite the exhibitionist. I suspect it was the bipolar.
Ok so since that one doesn’t count because I’m in the car, sorry I didnt get that part, sometimes I’m a bit of an idiot :/ heres two more
On the top of a big rig at night at a truck stop.
At the fireworks….that was amazing.
Ok thats all my secrets I’m giving. :)
Morris Arboretum although it wasn’t “it”, it was heavy petting.
Coral Pink Sand Dunes State Park, Utah. Awesome
On the roof of a church under the night sky.
For anyone who would like to get offended, well, uh… I was baptized into that denomination at least…
Yes. A few places, but one that comes to mind was at the top of a mountain top Fire Lookout Tower.
I did it on the last hole of a Golf course, I was drunk. It was pretty good though.
^ironic you phrased it as the last hole.
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