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flutherother's avatar

Is the concept of country becoming out dated?

Asked by flutherother (34984points) February 17th, 2013

The world is full of arbitrary and disputed border lines between ‘countries’. What are these countries and is there any need for them to exist in the modern world. What might replace them?

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15 Answers

marinelife's avatar

I think countries are still very much in play as international entities. Thus the border disputes,

Unbroken's avatar

Cultural differences say that we do. Should we give up property boundaries? What about personal boundaries?

They are there to protect us. To give us space to feel comfortable. A designated safe zone. Why should we need to over come them. There is nothing wrong with boundaries.
Boundaries only become an issue when people don’t respect them or want to take more. At such a time it becomes clear we are under attack. The intent is to benefit the other person or group and hurt us.

woodcutter's avatar

Good fences make better neighbors.

jerv's avatar

Where are the geographical boundaries between America and ‘Murica?

Jaxk's avatar

Yes, a one world government under the UN. I can hardly wait.

zensky's avatar

Peace. Finally. Yay.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

The concept of country has seldom been valid, but nations remain strong and relevant.

Nation = people who share a common language, culture, ethnicity, and history, and who may have one large city that’s representative of their identity. A nation doesn’t need physical borders or sovereignty. Examples – Roma, Basques, Kurds, American Indian nations, the republics of the former U.S.S.R.

Country = a distinct and legally-defined entity, either independent or a political division of another sovereign state. Examples – The former Yugoslavia, the USA.

Ok…that’s about all I can remember about cultural geography!

ucme's avatar

I was born & raised in Britain, but I see myself as very much English.

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@ucme According to cultural geography, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a country. England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland are nations. That would explain why you, born and raised in Britain (aka the UK), consider yourself to be English.

ucme's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul Yeah, I think we’re unique in that the British Isles comprises nations all with their own strong identity. If any foreign national refers to me as a brit, I politely correct them that i’m an englishman.

tinyfaery's avatar

One of the fundamental problems with this world is that people cannot accept the ultimate truth that we really are all the same; a species flying through space on a big blue planet. The lines we draw are based on our most avaricious, power-hungry instincts; our very worst basal brain functions.

The interactions between people should be based on the very best of our instincts—our empathy, our altruism and a more gracious humanity.

We share this world with other beings who have the same right to life as we do ourselves.

janbb's avatar

I wish but t’aint gonna happen. There’s always the one with “stars upon thars.”

wundayatta's avatar

The concept of country has been out of date for a long time. What does that have to do with reality? Sometimes I find it weird that we get these kind of leading idealistic questions, but they don’t have anything to do with reality. When will people get it through their thick skulls that the ideas in their heads don’t change reality, except very marginally. Reality is what it is.

People act as if local governments and territory disputes matter. They act like they are willing to fight over land no matter what anyone else thinks.

Countries are a kind of stupid idea, but that doesn’t matter. It matters not what I think of countries. People will continue to act the way they act. So they create these fictional political structures. And since that’s the reality on the ground, we must work with it.

I think we need smaller structures, not larger structures. We need governments that are too small to raise armies. Lots of them. We need to outlaw cooperation for military purposes. We need to make every country build using a different measurement system, so there can be no standardization between countries and no one can use anyone else’s weapons. Or at least not build any new parts for weapons built somewhere else.

Sigh. No Boeing. No Caterpillar. No giant corporations the world over. No economies of scale. Yep. I’m dreaming. But countries really aren’t that great an idea.

zensky's avatar

And no religion, too. La la la.

mattbrowne's avatar

For Islamists, yes. They just want one global caliphate.

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