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Atheists, are you annoyed by "theonormativity" in media and entertainment?
Here’s an article on TV Tropes often used to set up the “Straw Atheists” so the media moguls can then skewer them to the delight of the largely theist audience. Theonormativity demands that if a script has an atheist in it, that person came to their lack of faith through some personal tragedy in life (the loss of a dear loved one or perhaps some massively destructive natural event such as the earthquake and tsunami that recently devastated Japan). It further requires that before the fictional work ends, this lost soul rekindles their faith by some means.
Ever find yourself wanting to throw a shoe at the screen when these all-too-familiar cliche types of irreligious characters are inserted into a story line only to be shown to be untrue to their convictions? Are their other tropes the article missed?
I’m a member of The Boston Atheists Meetup Group for atheists and skeptics. The question there was, “Would anyone on the list like to share some examples of portrayals of atheism (or skepticism, etc.) in the media, which are particularly galling?”
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