Meta Question

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Anyone get a random pm from a new jelly lately?

Asked by Mama_Cakes (11175points) February 19th, 2013

A new jelly who joined today?

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40 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

No, not today. What did it involve?

PhiNotPi's avatar

If anyone ever recieves a strange PM, the best thing to do is to PM a moderator and tell all of the details. It is generally very hard to track down PM spammers, since most of them are smart enough to not spam the mods directly. We have to rely on reporting.

zensky's avatar

Nope. I miss them.

blueiiznh's avatar

I feel left out now :(

Berserker's avatar

Nope-itty nopey nopes.

blueiiznh's avatar

My day is now complete!

zensky's avatar


Oh yeah.

Coloma's avatar

Nope. Wonder whatever happened to the resident perv. can’t mention names that used to send me pms asking about my sexual habits.
Clue…. has something to do with zzzzz’s and medicine. lol

Mama_Cakes's avatar



Berserker's avatar

@Mama_Cakes I guess since so far, nobody else has had a PM, this person has it in for you…I can help you destroy them.

zensky's avatar

Phasers on stun.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Dammit, I missed another one! I feel so alone.

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Why am I being ignored by perp’s?


wundayatta's avatar

Wow. That sounds very sweet. I wish I could think of things like that to say. But I would say, “your replies turn me on,” and it wouldn’t have nearly the pathos. Then again, I’m 56 and can spell, and the person who wrote that is probably 11. If that.

augustlan's avatar

We checked, and he only sent that one to you @Mama_Cakes. We’re keeping an eye on it.

Bellatrix's avatar

Now I want to see @Mama_Cakes‘s replies.

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Well, they haven’t been terribly exciting, lol.

Bellatrix's avatar

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and your pmer obviously thinks your responses are HAWT! Now I feel left out because I don’t get hawt pms.

Bellatrix's avatar

Well I spoke too soon! It just got very warm in my pm box! @Wunday – that is very naughty.

jca's avatar

@Coloma: I thought I was the only one LOL!

Coloma's avatar

@jca Haha..OMG! That guy was a flippin’ frootloop! lol

Coloma's avatar

@Bellatrix I’m shocked! You are a married woman and nobody should be warming your pm box but your husband. lol

wundayatta's avatar

<—[dances around] I’m naughty! I’m naughty! I told @Bellatrix she was HAWT!

And I really do feel so naughty. Hawt is such a naughty word!

Bella, you gotta complain now so Auggie will come and look. Although I wonder. If I complain about myself, will she still go check it out? I really need a whipping! Mmm. Does Auggie’s whip smell like new leather? Will she let me smell it before she exercises with it?

Berserker's avatar

Wouldn’t you rather smell it after she’s done exercising with it?

wundayatta's avatar

@Symbeline Naw. I have a thing for new leather, not fresh blood.

Berserker's avatar

guess it’s just me then…

wundayatta's avatar

Don’t worry, @Symbeline. I think you’re hawt, too! I could harass you if you like. Make Auggie whip me double hard!

But don’ t no one else go gettin’ no idears. Bella and Symb are it. Double hard is hard enough for me! Besides which, dunno how much more stress Auggie’s arm can take. ;-)

Berserker's avatar

She can hack it. I await your dirty PM’s. Hell, I just might get in trouble, too…

augustlan's avatar

Limbering up for a strenuous whipping session…

Berserker's avatar

Can I smell the whip after you’re done?

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

@Symbeline Don’t worry. I do have a thing for blood. I will send you naughty PMs and wait anxiously for the bloodletting to begin.

Seek's avatar

@Coloma Fortunately that whackadoo hasn’t been on in a while. Since August or something. Thank the JellyGods.

Bellatrix's avatar

@auggie, can you check out the disgusting pms @wunday has been sending me. He really needs a flogging.

@Coloma – I can’t be held responsible for @wunday’s bad behaviour!

Berserker's avatar

@augustlan Me too! Lookit Wundy, he’s such a playah! :D

@WillWorkForChocolate I was going to say, we should wait for the proper alignement of the stars to begin the bloodletting…but fuck it, let’s get it oooown.

wundayatta's avatar

Oh man. Oh man. I’m in it now.

Look, ladies. There’s plenty of me to go around. I mean, that wasn’t me. That was my evil twin.

Uh. Listen Auggie, if you promise to whip me real hard, I might send you a pm, too. Just sayin’ ;-)

zensky's avatar

Am I too late? I brought lubricant…

Berserker's avatar

@wundayatta Oh, well, if you see your evil twin, tell him I’m wearing his shirt, if he’s looking for it.

wundayatta's avatar

@Symbeline Me and my evil twin aren’t on speaking terms. However, I am missing a shirt. Could you describe the one you have? Maybe he took it when I wasn’t looking. I mean, we know that I’d never do that sort of thing, right? ;-)


I’ve got to try to remember to talk to right way.

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