Social Question

What should I do about this awkward tank top situation?
Alright this might sound weird but it is regardless an issue I’m having trouble resolving on my own. So I’m enlisting the help of the collective for some other takes on the situation. Here she blows:
At the end of last summer I found myself trapped in this love triangle type of deal where I wasn’t dating either of the guys but was emotionally involved with both of them. Not sure if either of them wanted anything serious (and being semi-sure that one didn’t for sure, and the other, well, I figured if he did he’d make a move or say something to take the next step. Never happened.) I let both of them continue….in retrospect I realize this was a bad idea of course, but it was very complicated. And sex never overlapped, so there wasn’t that issue to deal with. Well, anyhow, one drunken night this all blew up big time. They were both really upset with me and I thought I’d lost them both. Well now I still have one as a friend, and after resolving this whole terrible thing, the other is now my extremely wonderful loving beautiful boyfriend. The other, we don’t see each other much. We text every once in a while and get along fine….oh by the way we all used to work together so they knew each other enough to kinda be friends. Well the other guy doesn’t work with us anymore but is still around town and I see him every once in a while. There are no feelings there but I do miss having him as a friend.
Okay so now that that is established. A month or two ago he texted me after I had run into him at work and said he had something for me. I had no idea what it could be. I responded to his text excitedly and he said “Don’t get too excited….it’s already been delivered. You’ll see when you get home” when I got home there was a small thing wrapped in tissue paper and a little string bow outside my front door. I opened it and it was a white tank top with a picture of MJ holding ET’s hand…..I was extremely excited and tried it on….it fit perfectly. I texted him and said something like “wow! What?! Where did you even find this! What did I do to deserve this! Thank you so much!” He said you’re welcome, I knew it was perfect for you, and I’ll tell you the story of it next time I see you. I haven’t seen him since.
Now, I know this may seem long winded over a simple tank top. But the thing is, I love Michael Jackson a lot and ET, eh, but I do love the idea of aliens, extraterrestrial life in general, astronomy, the solar system, etc….it just summed up several of my interests in one amazing picture. Simply put: it was the most perfect thing any one could have bought me. Now, the issue is….I am afraid to wear it around my boyfriend. And I’m dying to wear it. Okay, not so much yet cause it’s cold out, but in the summer, I’m gonna wanna wear it. And I can’t decide if I should tell him the truth about where I got it (I don’t think he’d be very happy. He’s not happy that the other guy is still in my life in any capacity, really. I understand this sentiment, the situation was very icky)....or I should lie and say I have had it for a while, or found it at a thrift store, or bought it online, etc. DOES ANYONE HAVE ANY INPUT?!?!?!?! It’s becoming a problem, I almost wore it to a paint party the other night but was afraid he’d see the pictures and ask me innocently about the shirt! I don’t like to lie, and we have a great, honest, loving relationship. But this is the one sticky issue that hasn’t resolved itself yet. And again, I understand why it’s still a sore point. Please offer insight into this silly situation!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!