NSFW What causes this amazing texture and how long does it last?
Asked by
Unbroken (
February 20th, 2013
Welcome to hump day! Another frivolous titillating question from inquiring minds.
After coitus and sometimes before I notice that the penis is velvety soft. A velvet so fine that human hands can’t fully discern the texture. I briefly tried googling this and found all manner of interesting and unrelated garbage. Is there a scientific reason behind this?
I don’t believe it alone could caused by friction as alternative methods of play don’t seem to yield the same results. Or not so I have noticed.
So that leaves either a compound in nature’s lube or a combined effect of the two. Has there been any studies done in relation to this?
How long would this effect last? If the silkiness was caused by a chemical compound have dermatologists or pharmaceutical companies tried to replicate it? If they haven’t already, do you think that they would benefit by marketing it as a chemical replication of a bodily secretion?
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21 Answers
I don’t think the softness is caused by friction, I think it’s evolved that way, with very thin, smooth skin, to purposefully avoid friction (considering what it does, friction would be bad).
Well I see what you mean, but presex most of the time the skin feels like normal skin.
And there is some friction nothing on the scale of sandpaper and wood but movement in and of itself can be friction in the air, we are just not normally in tune on that infinitesimal level. But somewhere in the “just right” category.
On occasion, the velvety skin phenomenon lasts longer than the deed.
So at least 75 minutes seconds.
@rosehips What you ask of us. Okay. When mine gets really warm, like wearing briefs as oppsoed to boxers, it gets very relaxed and soft. I assume after making love the same affect would occur. Combine that with lots of natural lube and I guess the skin would be very soft.
I’ve noticed this myself sometimes but it’s always after sex. I like to think her juices are a natural moisturizer for my dick :P
I loved the quote: “A velvet so fine that human hands can’t fully discern the texture.”
Sounds like a marketing add already.
@rebbel Haha! Does it really wear off fairly quickly?
@Adirondackwannabe Thank you for your participation. Curiosity must be assuaged. Further observations would be appreciated. : )
@uberbatman OK confirmation, nice! Just as I thought. But is it a combination of two factors of like a derma abrasion thing vigorous rubbing must ensue?
@blueiiznh Thanks I admit I was adrift at to how aptly the lusciousness of the feeling. English is too often inadequate.
I’ve wondered this as well.
A bit like newborn baby skin, that also just came from the same place.
@rosehips What the heck. That area isn’t exposed to the elements, at least for 9 or 10 months of the year, so it doesn’t have to be tough. Or maybe it’s lots of lotion. I’m not sure.
Maybe it needs to be smooth like that in order to facilitate nerve contact. If it’s smoother, more nerves can be in contact with the surface, and thus it helps us feel that sense of pleasure that makes us want to engage in sex so badly. Which, of course, creates babies.
It should work that way, evolutionarily. People who feel more pleasure will be more likely to seek out sex and procreate. Women who like the feel of a penis will be more attracted to smooth, sensitive penises and be more likely to want them inside. So it is a mutually reinforcing cycle.
Maybe. It’s just a hypothesis.
But I like the idea that there’s a relationship between smoothness of skin and ability to pack more nerve endings in there. Think about lips and fingertips, too. Not to mention anus.
Ok. Enough being serious. I much prefer to think about what it feels like when it gets hard, and just the lightest of touches, especially by the woman I love, makes it even harder than I thought possible.
Hmm. That’s pretty serious, too.
But more fun. ;-)
@rosehips “lusciousness” Your descriptions seem to exude the essense of it.
@wilma Like a fresh born babe? Or just baby’s skin in general, I was tempted to make the comparison but it felt slightly wrong. But good connection.
@Adirondackwannabe Neither are your thighs, unless you like daisy dukes.. If you are a condom guy you might not notice, also you might just take it for granted.
@wundayatta Interesting theory but considering you are already committed to a liaison or should be before you reach that point of contact and that the softness occurs post bliss I am not convinced. And that doesn’t speak to the mechanism that creates such silk or how long it lasts. I half seriously think that if they could manufacture a product that achieved those results assuming they lasted for a day some one could make a lot of money and no one would have another moisturizer youth potion or rejuvenating cream on their shelf.
@blueiiznh : ) I tried.
@rosehips yes, I know what you mean by the slightly wrong comparison. Newborn skin, for those first few days at least seems thin and velvety.
Good question.
@rosehips My shorts are small boxers. My thighs get tanned.
@rosehips Whatever rules that society tries to impose on human behavior generally has little impact on how people actually act. People fool around with lots of others and find the person that feels the best to them. The silk is created over long periods of time with infinitesimal changes each generation.
@wilma I am sorely lacking in baby knowledge, thanks for the info. And thanks.
@Adirondackwannabe I did ask didn’t I ; )
@wundayatta I still am highly skeptical. I would say there are many other attributes that have yet to eradicated by the natural selection theory. Not redheads, they are fantastic But still interesting to entertain.
Redheads are recessive. And their reputation in bed is overblown.
Exactly they are still around despite recessivity. Which is wonderful news.
They have a rep? I hadn’t heard and don’t subscribe.
@rosehips Love the erotic nature of your GQ.
More info on researching:
The natural lubricants most important for sex are saliva, vaginal fluids, and male pre-ejaculate.
Saliva consists primarily of water and mucus. Mucus is made of long proteins called mucins, which are coated in compounds related to sugars. The mucins bind to water to make saliva slippery.
The slipperiness of saliva mucus makes it a convenient lubricant for oral sex, hand jobs, and anal sex. Unfortunately the high proportion of water in saliva makes it dry out quickly as the water evaporates.
Vaginal fluids are also packed with mucins to ease penetration and protect vaginal linings from germs. In addition, vaginal fluids include various acids to provide the right chemical environment for sperm, and sugars that nourish sperm swimming through the vaginal fluid toward the ovaries.
Women produce vaginal fluids when they become sexually aroused. The amount varies depending on their age, health, and the timing of their menstrual cycle. Smoking just before sex can reduce fluid production by diminishing blood flow to the vaginal lining. Antihistamines and other drugs can reduce natural lubrication as well. All women need a little lubrication help from time to time, and even the most abundantly lubricating women may need to supplement their vaginal fluid with saliva or artificial lubricants – for extended love sessions.
Men produce some lubricant as well. The Cowper’s gland near the prostate secretes a small amount of slippery fluid commonly called pre-ejaculate or pre-cum. Some sex experts believe it helps to lubricate the head of the penis before penetrating a woman’s vagina, but most men only produce a few drops and it is often ill timed for insertion. It’s more likely that the Cowper’s fluid prepares the urethra for the passage of sperm by adjusting acidity, clearing out any traces of urine, and lining the urethra with a slippery, sugar-rich energy source to get the sperm swimming.
~The Physics of Sex – Jean Morris
Can’t say that I’ve had the opportunity to thoroughly savor the complete lusciousness….
either I get distracted or other, more pressing issues arise.
I’m definitely going to check deeper into this, though.
Erotic question indeed… very good : )
Thanks @blueiiznh that was perfect. I mean at least it is a place to start and more then I found. I did learn a lot from that entry.
@Ela Lol.Yeah I was trying to remember just how many guys or if all of them had the same reaction, I can’t recall. Eroticism is a something that is taken for granted and underappreciated by far too many. Glad to find people with an appreciation for it.
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