Meta Question

Unbroken's avatar

How rude is it to hijack a thread?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) February 21st, 2013

I am aware this is considered rude by most jellies.

I think I have an idea why. Especially in general or as pertains to a personal question, the emphasis should be placed on the actual question or possible strategem and advice for optimum resolution.

However in relation to social questions: politics, economy, humanity one question can trigger many all of which are relevant to the larger topic.

Is this really offensive? Or say people are getting too serious interject some humor take it down a notch. Breathe, laugh, and resume.

Too me it feels organic like a tree the trunk is the first question or topic and in a productive thread all responses stem from the first but grow further away from the source.

I think this is especially true of questions that have a definite answer. Something that can be quickly answered by someone with a particular expertise or knowledge.

I usually find all information and opinions in relation to my topic of interest to me. So I am happy to let the thread go wild. And fallaciously assume others are just as thrilled. So I need help recovering from hijacking ways.

Where do you stand, and why.

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30 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

If it’s in general I try to stay on course. Sometimes I do hijack threads, the worse was one of Josie’s. I sometime have these wild outbursts. I usually try to apologize. I don’t mind if anyone hijacks one of mine if it adds interest.

Coloma's avatar

I’m a free flowing type, and while I try to stay on topic in general, I post all of my Q’.s in social so everyone is free to let ‘er rip, take all kinds of side roads, crooked paths and such. I think it has a lot to do with personality style. I am an intuitive type that can easily bounce from subject to subject and make all sorts of non-linear connections.
My daughter was teasing me tonight when she mentioned I should try this particular cucumber salad dressing and next thing you know I am off on a tangent about all sorts of stuff that I made a connection to. lol

Cucumbers remind me of Cantalope and Cantalope reminds me of a salad I make and cucumber dressing reminds me of ranch dressing which is excellent on baked potatoes and off I go. Giddy up Coloma. haha
Personally I like lots of space to just let things randomly unfold, I don’t have an anal bone in my body. Ride that pony all around the neighborhood and back to the ranch. lol
Sure…in General we should try to keep the conversation more subject related, but I like just letting things go as they will.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@Coloma You’re just nuts. Some of us love you for that. :)

Coloma's avatar

^^^ LOL… No disputing that, but… I wear my nuts well. haha

augustlan's avatar

It depends on the question (and which section it’s posted in, of course). If I post a question in social, I don’t mind if things take an off-topic turn. I’m pretty much counting on it happening, actually! Have at it. :)

But there are times when a serious topic is being discussed in the social section, and if things get too far off-track (joke after joke or bickering among a couple of people) it can be disrespectful to the asker.

zensky's avatar

What Lisa said.

amujinx's avatar

This question is now about how much everyone likes horses. Discuss.

Honestly, I like the ability to meander off topic if it still has a connection to the original question, but I do try to stay on topic. I don’t think it’s rude for a conversation to drift a little, but I can see how some people could view it that way, especially on a subject that one may feel very strongly about.

Bellatrix's avatar

There are times when I have posted a question and I really want to see some good answers but it is a social type question. Within a few responses it is way off track and stays that way. In the past it has irked me a little but not to any great degree. I can hijack along with the best of them so I can hardly complain too loud if it happens to me. It’s the nature of social.

I like horses because they are so graceful and beautiful but they scare me too. I had a stallion shove me out of the way once. He was much bigger than me so he won that round.

Unbroken's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe Now I am curious.. Come to think about it I don’t recall any questions posted by Josie.
@Coloma Love it woman! I am on the same loop can we make each other dizzy… There was a cat crying today.. The dog at work has conjunctivitis, can cats get it? How to film a cat when she is all over you. Do birds have mates just to groom themselves, what about loner birds do they do a head rub with a tree? I wonder if I have enough avocados to do make that tuna walnut salad and still have some for my smoothie. Must get my hands on some mangoes fresh and ripe.. frozen will do for a smoothie. I should text my sister.. oops too late. Tomorrow maybe.

@Adirondackwannabe you do not have dibs on Coloma love. Fight you for it!

@Coloma I just visualized that except they we hanging from your neck, I suppose nuts could be a euphemism for the girls. My face is up here… no coconuts for you!

@augustlan Good point but wait that means no Fluther Fight Club.

@zensky That’s right butter up butter cup

@amujinx I rode a horse it meandered and I was supposed to kick it and use the bit, I didn’t want to. It was a lazy horse and all the flies caught up to it.

@Bellatrix I suppose we all have a cranky point or too, I suppose I have been sorely disappointed sometimes. Thanks for reminding me. Maybe when I do it and I will try to be mindful of it from this point forward, you could remind me if it ever bothers you. Don’t let a horse or me shove you around.

Bellatrix's avatar

@rosie… :-) Not many shove me around. He wasn’t my horse or I would have been a bit more assertive. Big galoot of a thing. I think he was a thoroughbred and thought he was a cut above anyone else.

zensky's avatar

I only butter up Hawaii_Jake. Lisa is my lover. I just happen to agree with her occasionally.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@rosehips I’ll go look for the question. It might take me a bit. I was really wild that day. I think it may have been before you joined.

ucme's avatar

Especially bad when there’s no ransom demands.

Coloma's avatar

Lets talk about that meteor that slammed into Russia last week. haha

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

I usually post in social because I really love it when my questions get hijacked. I have a theory that thread hijacking is a lot more fun to people who have ADD. What does this dream about this guy mean? It means you’re going to be trampled by rabid giraffes next week. I like cheese. Rocks! Does this cat make my butt look big? My nose hurts. Hi.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I can’t find the question. I’m sending this to josie and janbb because they were in on the responses. I think chocolate was too. Coloma was in on it for sure.

Bellatrix's avatar

Why am I awake and Fluthering at 5.19 am? I am in a quandary – should I be productive and do something useful or Fluther?

Kardamom's avatar

As long as the Q gets answered by someone, with regards to the actual Q, I think it’s fine to meander away, but one shouldn’t do that if they’re the first person to answer.

I don’t like to see 2 Jellies carrying on a personal or sexual conversation with each other on a Q when they could easily take it to PM

However, I’ve seen some Q’s in general that I thought the premise of the Q was either false or simply ridiculous, in those cases I can see why Jellies would tend to digress.

Would anybody like to try some of this Stream of Consciousness ?

janbb's avatar

I don’t consider it highjacking if a thread gets taken in a slightly different direction after some pertinent discussion of the topic has been done. I do consider it highjacking and it does bother me if one jelly picks up on a fairly irrelevant piece of information and keeps gnawing and gnawing away at it in an endless back and forth. It also sometimes bothers me when a thread becomes a silly back and forth between Jellies but as I am sometimes guilty of the same behavior, I understand it can be fun for the participants.

Paradox25's avatar

I try to stay on topic, even in social, and if I do sometimes get off topic it likely isn’t intentional. It can be irritating when asking a question, and people don’t address what you’ve asked, forcing you to repeat the details to them in a replying post.

zensky's avatar

I try to stay on topic, too, but I can’t this far down. What’s the Q?
Hi @Paradox25 – how ya doin’?

Unbroken's avatar

@Bellatrix Typical entitlement. lol
@Adirondackwannabe Thanks for the effort, maybe one day I will stumble over it and say think, ‘oh that must of have been what he was talking about.’
@WillWorkForChocolate Hello, nose rub, yes the answer is always no! Pop! They are so pretty I love wheels and wedges, giraffes have long tongues and big teeth but their fur looks amazing. Interpretative dance.
@Coloma Sorry I missed the reports I was too busy trying to view it as it hit Russia from my doorstep… I must be blind. The Russians on visas over here are gradually getting friendlier. Used to be, as a group, the looked like the most unhappy burdened people in the world, and purposefully reclusive. Glad to see there is a shift in dynamic.
@Bellatrix If you have to be up at ungodly hours, don’t be productive FLUTHER!
@Kardamom Stream of Conciousness is fantabuluous.
@janbb I would call that masochism but 6 of one and half a dozen of another. I still end up with holding 6 on occasion.
@Paradox25 Your application of focus and self discipline is admirable. Does it transmit on such high levels to all other areas of your life in general or is cutting loose at some point acceptable?
@zensky Why did I ask that, he won’t answer it, it’s probably not on topic.. amazing!

Paradox25's avatar

@rosehips I’ve seen I have gained a few antagonists since I’ve started calling people out on their BS lately. I get a kick out of it actually, because there were a few threads where I was just slightly off topic, then I get called out on it, but yet I see no one telling those users to chill out now do I?

Your point is a bunch of BS for three reasons:

1. There are quite a few users on who are pretty anal when their thread gets off topic, even in social, but mysteriously where are you when this happens? Oh I forgot those are the elite so you won’t bother them. Amazing!

2. It seems that those who can hijack a thread, and those who can’t is completly subjective, and relative to their popularity on here.

3. Sometimes, yes just sometimes a few of us ask questions to get serious answers on here.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Wow, did someone piss in your Cheerios or did you fall into a pile of nettles?

Unbroken's avatar

I just woke up so admittedly I am a bit foggy. But I don’t understand which point you are referring to.

I do recognize that I have offended you. I apologize for that. We have not had any interaction so intent can be misinterpreted easily and I should have taken that into account when I responded to your post.

Actually thank you for your response. It stood out from the pack and differed from my point of view which I made apparent in my completely biased question, looking back at it now.

I find it difficult to relate to you on this topic because I don’t hold myself to such high standards.

My failed attempt at humor was not a judgement of your position but rather me poking fun at myself. Because I could not realistically achieve the same level of self discipline. I did make a mental note to be respectful of your position by staying on topic when I answer any of your questions.

A response or defense to your points.

1.What elite are you refering to? What makes them elitist group and what makes them elite?

2 Have I been called out or asked to return to topic here? Absolutely. I realize it is probably nothing personal and just the person’s preference. I try to at the very least remember who they are and focus on the question only on their threads in the future. Will I make mistakes sure. But one of the reasons for asking this was questions was to get a better idea of who those people were so I could respect there wishes. My question does not reflect that very well. Rereading it proved that.

2 I would disagree. Everyone has the equal capacity to hijack a thread. To summarize what people said above: Whether they are called on it or not seems dependent on the OP, the section it is posted in, how far they go off topic, and whether the tone of the thread becomes overly negative.

3 I ask serious questions on Fluther and get serious answers. Not all my questions are exclusivly serious. Am I wasting people’s time? Well people answer and it can be fun and I do learn something in every thread. I do try to respect people’s intent. Although there are some cases of mistaken intent.

To wrap this up, we may differ in approaches and have some major differences of opinion. However I hope to have further exchange with you for one because different approaches to life bring about different insights and solutions. That is something I value about Fluther.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh MAN! I missed this! What are we talking about?

Dutchess_III's avatar

Oh…fight. Fight.

Brian1946's avatar

If there is a fight, I majorly doubt that @Unbroken will be participating. ;-|

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