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zensky's avatar

When you watch a sporting event - how involved and engrossed are you?

Asked by zensky (13426points) February 22nd, 2013

How much does it depend whether you have money riding on it or root for the team or another reason?.

How distracted can you get by background actions and interactions?

I am referring to TV/Internet not live events.

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21 Answers

JLeslie's avatar

Not very.

If I am watching a game usually it is because I am meeting up with friends to do so. I am usually more interactive with the people than watching the game. At best it is a 50/50 split. More typical would be 75% friends 25% game. Some of it matters depending on the importance of the game—if it is my university playing in some sort of finals game I am going to be very interested.

ucme's avatar

Massively, I love my sport, have done most of my life, particularly football (soccer), tennis, golf, rugby union, boxing, f1…yeah, maybe I should stop there!
It matters hugely if personal interest is heightened by either rooting for a team/individual that you follow/support, or have financial investment in the form of a wager.
Supporting Team GB at last years olympic games was purely down to my love of sport & a healthy dose of patriotism, an experience enjoyed by my wife & kids also. Generally I don’t like any distractions & so long as I have myself, sometimes a couple of mates & a healthy supply of beer, then I’m as happy as a pig rolling around in shite.

Seek's avatar

I don’t bother with sports on TV.

I mean, I’ll invite people over to watch a game, but I couldn’t be arsed. I’m more likely to be making sure everyone’s well fed and the libations are flowing freely.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I was a huge Buffalo Sabres fan. The cocksuckers fired Lindy Ruff this week. I don’t care if I ever see another game right now.

elbanditoroso's avatar

Almost never. And if I happen to have on some sporting event, there is a 99.9% chance I am doing something else – email, reading, web surfing, at the same time.

I never bet on sports – it’s a fools game. So that doesn’t play into it.

Pachy's avatar

Always involved and engrossed in something else because I NEVER watch sports events.

Kardamom's avatar

When it was Olympic figure skating, especially when Michelle Kwan was still in competition, I would not only watch it, I would tape it and unplug the telephone. Unlike men and football, watching figure skating is a very quiet activity. You just groan silently or suck in your breath when one of them falls. Unlike with men and hockey, you don’t want them to fall.

Seek's avatar

@Kardamom My first Olympics was Kristi Yamaguchi.

I was one enraptured child, I tell you. I so wanted to be her.

Kardamom's avatar

^^ Yes, I love me some Kristi too. They just had her on that show, where they take DNA samples and do a family history. Her (Japanese) grandparents were in an American internment camp. She didn’t know that.

zensky's avatar

Why did all the Fluther ladies answer – telling us they don’t like sports? I asked how involved and engrossed are you… dummies.


Seek's avatar

Well, I was going to be all “ZOMFG I LOVE BASEBALL!”

and then I read the “tv” line. I hate sports on TV.

ucme's avatar

Yeah, nothing beats being there at the venue itself, blood, sweat & tears live in the flesh & that’s just the crowd. Telly does a good job though, with the right commentary team a suitable atmosphere can be maintained.

wundayatta's avatar

I used to get very involved with the Eagles. I still can’t help it. My body contorts itself of its own will as I watch. My leg leaning against the opposing team, as if I could help tack their runners, or my body leaning in the direction of my team, as if I could help push us closer to the end zone.

But I’m not as invested as I used to be. I used to watch as much football as I possibly could each weekend. Now it’s just the Eagles and the occasional Sunday or Monday night game. I don’t care as much. I’m not sure why. Maybe fluther. Maybe my wife complaining. Maybe the Eagles being so bad.

If they were to mount a credible superbowl campaign, I’d probably watch them more closely. But I’ve been disappointed so much that I know it won’t happen, so there is no point in letting my heart get involved. It’s just a fucking game, after all. And these guys are getting hurt—concussions and knee problems just for a few years of fame. They are big doofuses anyway.

I don’t really care much about any other sport.

I do like figure skating, but that’s not really a sport to me. It’s more art than sport.

Brian1946's avatar

@Kardamom @Seek_Kolinahr

Kristi is probably my favorite figure skater of all time, and how can you not like baseball on TV? ;-o

amujinx's avatar

For hockey and soccer, if I have a team I’m rooting for I’m one of those who screams at the TV. I usually am okay at curbing that in public at least. Other sports or if I don’t care about either team, I can be engrossed if it’s a good game, but I’m not so over the top.

@Adirondackwannabe Personally, I think the Ruff firing was long overdue. They really need to rid us Regier too.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@amujinx I think Regier should have gone first. I liked Lindy.

amujinx's avatar

@Adirondackwannabe I won’t disagree there. I’m sick of this whole thing of not discussing contracts during the season nonsense and the lack of attempting to sign leadership to this team among other mis-signings.

Most people liked Lindy, it has been time for a coaching change for too long now is all. Too many players got too comfortable with Ruff in my opinion.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

@amujinx If I was a player, I’d want to play for Lindy. Look how long they took with Connelly. Maybe you’re right, sometimes fear motivates players. I don’t know.

Seek's avatar

Nice, Brian.

Of all the televised sports, I like baseball best. I’d rather go to a game myself, though, and I’m more likely to pay attention if I’m there. That said, I was really hardcore into the Cubs for, like, five minutes, when Fukudome was good. I so wanted him to become a meme.

Kardamom's avatar

The only reason I’d want to go to a baseball/basketball/hockey/football game is to eat nachos. I’ve only been to one figure skating competition (several shows, though) and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time. But it was soooooo quiet, except for the occasional gasp or ooooooooooooh if someone fell.

It was like the ballet of sports.

zensky's avatar

OH – cuz I called yas dummies I get no lurve – frown.

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