Are your left hand fingers longer than your right hand fingers (and vice versa)?
Yesterday I noticed that my left hand is slightly bigger than my right hand (mostly because the fingers are longer) and I’m sure that this wasn’t that obvious in the past years…
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20 Answers
It’s always been that way with me. My left hand fingers are about a half inch longer. I’m a mutant.
I am left-handed and my right-hand fingers are slightly longer than my left.
I am right handed and my left hand has longer fingers. My left foot is smaller, left hip is wider, right side has heavier hair growth, left breast is larger.
Now you know everything.
None of it is obvious to someone looking at me.
Not to the naked eye, no, but my left buttock just developed a twitch…weirdly.
Of course you know you can flex your fingers to make one side appear bigger than the other, right?
Faith healers do this all the time, usually with legs.
Here is the ploy in action.
And here is how it’s done.
If the fingers on my left hand were longer than those on my right hand and vice versa, then that would indicate that my fingers are of infinite length.
And I thought it was sometimes hard to see the monitor screen and type now.
If anyone has watched Deep Throat, not that I’d watch porn, but there’s a scene where a blonde woman is bent over a bench while the guy is behind her. The breasts aren’t anywhere near the same size. I remember one of my fraternity brothers rolling on the floor at that point.
I’m ambidextrous, but my left hand’s fingers are only slightly longer than my right. I hadn’t noticed until now…
@Adirondackwannabe That’s actually incredibly common. In fact, symmetrical breasts are the minority. Ask anyone who’s ever tried to find a well-fitting bra.
Nope, the same size except for the broken middle finger on my left hand. It’s not longer but it is fatter.
Yeah, I used to sell bras, pretty much everyone is uneven, some more than others.
My thumb and index fingers on both hands are the same length, but the other three on the left hand are maybe ¼-inch longer than my right hand fingers.
I never noticed a difference. I’m not going to look now.
Does not matter to me.
There is extensive scientific research on digit length that also predicts:
sexuality, left-handedness, prediction of cancer, musical ability, SAT score, date-ability, promiscuity, eye color, answer to the Michael Jordan question, etc.
@blueiiznh I am aware of some of that research and I had wondered if it isn’t necessarily genetic or congenital so to speak, but rather environmentally influenced.
Huh! I’d never noticed before, but checking I find that the right fingers are all just a tiny bit longer than the left. I’m right handed.
My left little finger is noticeably longer than the right, but there’s no difference with the others.
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