Meta Question

zensky's avatar

Will someone put me out of my misery?

Asked by zensky (13426points) February 22nd, 2013

I need two more jellies following to get the award for 100.

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26 Answers

Fly's avatar

You’re welcome. ;)
In all honesty, I had actually thought I was already following you, so it worked out for the both of us.

Brian1946's avatar

Your misery should soon end- I just sent PM’s to Chelle21689 and gail. ;-)

zensky's avatar

Thanks. Perhaps you were following another zen? ;-)

Yay! Siren song. Now I can delete the account happily. ~

Berserker's avatar

Wait, this isn’t an actual battle to the death?? Cmong, mang.

Brian1946's avatar

Congrats on 100— I knew gail would complete you! ;-D

zensky's avatar

Gail completes me. Well said.

Fly's avatar

@zensky I was probably following several of you, it’s so hard to keep track of your multiple personalities! ;) In any case, congratulations on the award!

Pachy's avatar

But you’re not in this for the points, right, @zensky? ;-)

Bellatrix's avatar

If @zensky could add up all the points from his former accounts he would probably have more than anyone else here or close to. I have to go and check what awards he has now.

Brian1946's avatar


If @zensky could add up all the points from his former accounts he would probably have more than anyone else here or close to.

By my calculations, @zensky‘s aggregate lurve would now approach 60,753.

Bellatrix's avatar

Well there you go @Brian1946… I was right. :-) Thank you for doing the maths. I bet he had Robot Crush in previous Fluther lives too.

zensky's avatar

Guys – please. I’ll leave…

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room I’m in it for the lurve. That’s my game. I don’t care about anything else actually.

Pachy's avatar

@zensky. that’s cool. I was just funning with ya. I’m a fan.

janbb's avatar

@zensky And when those Pachyderm ears flap, that’s a big fan!

Pachy's avatar

@janbb, BOL (bellow out loud) !!!

janbb's avatar

@Pachyderm_In_The_Room Why don’t you pack your trunk and come North sometime? (By the way, I saw a baby elephant at the Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa this winter and it didn’t know what to do with its trunk. It was adorable.)

Pachy's avatar

@janbb, will you make me an English grilled cheese sandwich with peanuts on the side???

I love baby elephants, though I never had one of my own.

janbb's avatar

For you, @Pachyderm_In_The_Room , anything!

The baby was three weeks old when I saw it. It had been 200 hundred pounds when born and was then 260. Its mother and aunt were taking care of it.

janbb's avatar

@zensky High jacking, you say?

jonsblond's avatar

@Bellatrix If @zensky could add up all the points from his former accounts he would probably have more than anyone else here or close to it. Actually, he wouldn’t. At least they wouldn’t be points earned fairly. Many of those points wouldn’t count because they came from the same people. Many of us have maxed out on our points for him with each account he’s had.

Coloma's avatar

@zensky You wouldn’t want me anyway, but congrats! lol ;-)

gailcalled's avatar

@zensky: MIlo here; Sorry to bear bad news but have you not noticed that Gail follows no one?

zensky's avatar

@gailcalled I know.

@jonsblond Is correct but it matters not to me. Had it interested me I wouldn’t have quit so many times. Wunday is the leader and always will be. He has been here longer and is always posting questions and responses.

If it interests anyone – I’d probably have like the guys from maybe a bit more because of all the questions I’ve posted. Maybe less. But fuck that.

Fluther rocks. I’ve always hated the bells and whistles but I adapt. Resistance has been, well, futile.

jonsblond's avatar

@zensky I like the idea of a Fluther birth date listed next to our username instead of points accumulated. Of course this won’t happen, but a girl can dream, right? :)

zensky's avatar

I like nothing next to our name – and no lurve or rewards. But I’ve gotten used to the feed – it used to drive me nuts…

wundayatta's avatar

I’m sorry, but I don’t believe in euthanasia.

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