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Dutchess_III's avatar

What are fish classified as?

Asked by Dutchess_III (47239points) February 23rd, 2013

Like, dogs are canines and cats are felines and snakes are reptiles, spiders are arachnids….what is a fish?

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19 Answers

Dutchess_III's avatar

I already read all that, @zensky. Which of those words would you use to describe a fish? I guess Chordate.

zensky's avatar

There are many systems of classifying fish, some extremely complicated. The classification given here is basically the one adopted by the American Fisheries Society. Fish are grouped in the superclass Pisces, which consists of three classes:

The Agnatha:

lampreys and hagfishes. They have no jaws and have undeveloped backbones. They are the most primitive of all fish. Some biologists do not classify them as fish.

The Chondrichthyes:

sharks, skates, and rays. Fish in this class have no bones. Their skeletons are made of cartilage.

The Osteichthyes:

the bony fishes. They have skeletons composed partly or wholly of bone. This class is divided into two subclasses:

I. Sarcopterygii

fishes with lobed, fleshy fins, such as lungfishes and lobefins.

II. Actinopterygii

the higher bony fishes. This subclass consists of many orders, including:

1. Acipenseriformes.

2. Semionotiformes.

3. Amiiformes.

4. Elopiformes.

5. Anguilliformes.

6. Clupeiformes.

7. Salmoniformes.

8. Myctophiformes.

9. Cypriniformes.

10. Siluriformes.

11. Percopsiformes.

12. Batrachoidiformes.

13. Lophiiformes.

14. Gadiformes.

15. Atheriniformes.

16. Zeiformes.

17. Lampridiformes.

18. Gasterosteiformes.

19. Perciformes.

20. Pleuronectiformes.

21. Tetraodontiformes.

thorninmud's avatar

“Pisces” is the zoological class that’s equivalent to canine and feline.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

Psshh ^ lol great minds think alike that was my answer.

But it is a parapyletic limbless cold blooded vertebrate.

Ok this fully answers why I keep thinking I am a

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

I think you’re looking for the word “piscine.”

Dutchess_III's avatar

@thorninmud You nailed it. Thank you SO much!

thorninmud's avatar

@SadieMartinPaul “Piscine” is the adjectival form. We use “canine” as both a noun and an adjective, but we don’t do the same with “piscine”.

Dutchess_III's avatar

You are not a zombie, @nofurbelowsbatgirl! you are not a zombie. Keep saying it. :)

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar


I am not a zombie.
I am not a zombie.
I am not a zombie.
I am n o t a zzzz….
Oh hell,
BRAINS! BRAINS! I just cant STOP! lol.

ucme's avatar

Think, Slippery When Wet & you’re “half way there…woah, ohh!”

bookish1's avatar

There’s no fish in my piscine…

JLeslie's avatar

Is this true? Pisces is like canine and feline? I never knew this. Unless you all are being sarcastic?

majorrich's avatar

For some reason, my mind bubbles up something more like Icthyoid or “fish-like” in latin.
sorry that may be Greek

ETpro's avatar

I just classify them as food. That covers most branches of them.

Pisces only includes those fish with bony skeletons, fins and gills. So sharks and rays are out. All of the chimaeras are out. And we jelly fish don’t even come close. I think @majorrich‘s Icthyoid is a broader classification.

majorrich's avatar

I googled it and I spelled it wrong. it is Ichthyoid which is means ‘fish like’ and is used to describe appearance of a fish from a medical perspective. I’m not sure about Zoological use of the word. Etymology is great fun!

gondwanalon's avatar

“Fish” (This does not include extinct fish)

Kingdom – Animalia

Phylum – Vertebrata

Class – About 11 different classes which include Osteichthyes (bony fishes) Chondrichthyes (cartilaginous fishes) as well as Jawless fish.

Order – Many of them

Family – Many many more of them

Genus – Species – Perhaps too numerous to count or name. Depending on if you are a “lumper” or a “splitter” there are about 27,300 to 32,000 species plus or minus a few thousand.

Sunny2's avatar

Fish is also spelled: ghoti. gh as in enough; o as in women; ti as in notion.
just a side comment

Coloma's avatar

My ex husband was a cold blooded vertebrate too. lol

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