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ciheins's avatar

Gluten free bread making?

Asked by ciheins (14points) February 25th, 2013

I was wondering about paddle attachments for cooking gluten free breads. The problem Is I don’t have any and I found a recipe that asks for you to use them. I saw to use a wooden spoon, but gf bread dough is so dense that it would really be exhausting to do. Any other ideas on how to substitute out the paddles?

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5 Answers

thorninmud's avatar

Go at it with your hands. Seriously, dive right in. Squish away. Get in touch with your inner toddler. It’s not only terrifically efficient, but it’s good therapy.

RandomGirl's avatar

I’ve never made gluten free bread, but I love kneading dough by hand. @thorninmud is right – it’s great therapy.

ciheins's avatar

I have done it in the past but I wasn’t sure if that was ok with bread. I’m a horrible hand mixer :p

thorninmud's avatar

Oh, heck yeah. With the fingers slightly spread, it provides the exact same mixing action as a paddle, plus you can use the edge of your hand to occasionally scrape at the sides of the bowl (something paddles don’t always do very well).

Unbroken's avatar

You actually don’t knead gluten free bread. And the problem here is that gluten free bread needs to be well mixed.
You don’t have any mixer at all? I would try the paddle attachments you do have.
Here are some additional tip on gluten free bread making.

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