Meta Question

zensky's avatar

Fluther to the rescue?

Asked by zensky (13421points) February 25th, 2013

May I suggest a nice, fun and light Meta thread vis a vis Fluther – helping you with something?

Perhaps you can recall your first question and the assistance you received?

Who was the Big Brain who helped you out? What made you stay?

Whom have YOU helped, jelly?

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32 Answers

cookieman's avatar

Fluther, in over four years, has helped make me a better person.

No kidding.

marinelife's avatar

Fluther has helped me several times with computer problems, with recipe ideas. I have a bunch of thank yous from fellow users who have been helped by my answers. I love getting that kind of feedback.

It is why I am on Fluther.

ucme's avatar

I receive frequent PM’s from users who express appreciation for me making them laugh, particularly when they felt they needed cheering up, I think that’s cool & actually quite rewarding.
My pleasure, to those who have benefited in this way :-)

picante's avatar

My first question was seeking advice on how to combat a bad windshield day—where the glass seems to fog no matter what you do. I received cheery welcomes and good advice. Wundy actually gave me the “real” answer pertaining to the status of the recirculation.

I’ve sought advice on travel destinations, and I’ve received wonderful input. I built an entire week’s itinerary in Paris on the advice of jellies. I’ve gotten good recipes from Kardamom and others!

Due to my infrequent visitation and my avoidance of many topics, I doubt that I’m helpful—I know I answered a computer-related question one time that assisted someone.

Oh, now that Ucme has posted, I have indeed enjoyed his playfulness here. It’s always a breath of fresh air when the site becomes “self-absorbed.”

ucme's avatar

@picante Nice one, i’ll even forgive you capitalising my name…tsk, tsk ;-}

hearkat's avatar

I didn’t come here with a question. It was 2007, and I was looking for cool web-apps for the original iPhone a couple weeks after it came out. I had been on Yahoo! Answers Beta, but lost interest once it went public, so finding a new Q&A site that worked on my mobile device was a win!

I find that Fluther has helped me put more forethought into what I type and say. I’ve had a lifelong struggle with trying to prevent myself from putting my foot in my mouth. I’ve noticed marked improvement in the past 5 years.

jonsblond's avatar

A lot of good people here supported me when I was going through a very difficult time last summer. I cried because I was amazed by the number of people who reached out to me.

wundayatta's avatar

My first question got two answers from people other than myself, one of whom was you, @zensky. You were zen_again then. You made a joke. Allie also answered, but didn’t tell me anything I didn’t already know. It was too serious a question, I guess. Although I thought maybe people would have some background in various folkloric traditions besides the ones that everyone knows about. I was wrong.

So I never thought of this place as a place where there were big brains. It’s more of a social place for me. I always kind of laughed when we made an effort to try to create a place for serious questions, since we just don’t have the expertise around to answer these questions. In my opinion, we shouldn’t even try. It’s false advertising. No one has expertise here. There are a lot of people who know a lot, and people who know how to research, but no big brains, I’m afraid. Which is a good thing. Big brains are insufferable.

As to helping others, I have a few thank you notes here and there, I guess. It seems I even gave @picante a “real” answer once. That would have been an accident. I’m no more of an expert than anyone else around here. Even a broken clock is right twice a day.

Unbroken's avatar

My first question I believe was about anabolic protien. Though I fired off quite a few initially.

It was an Orphan for a while eventually YARNLADY and @snowberry came to the rescue.

I think what really kept me going at first was one of my first replies. Or maybe it was the question and give and take.
I suddenly had a friendly place where I could look at questions. Maybe think about them instead of how crappy parts of my life were.

Unbroken's avatar

Thanks wundy

zensky's avatar

Thanks Daloon – you are Fluther/Fluther is you. I bow before your giant brain.

Where is that line from – I have forgotton…

Oh oh – let me add a @wundayatta so it’ll alert you… I hate when jellies forget.

wundayatta's avatar

Fluther bows before your giant brain when you run out of questions. Sometimes I still click on questions for me just to be told that.

Naw. Not really. I just thought I’d say that. I hate it when there are no more questions. Like lately, there have been far too few.

You don’t have to alert me. I’ll not forget who I was before.

zensky's avatar

I check back on questions when I see the big @zensky – but often miss misspellings like @zen and stuff. That’s all I meant buddy.

ETpro's avatar

Well, my first question wasn’t very profound. It was, like this one of yours, a Meta question, I asked, ’‘Is it OK to ask questions that are just intended to be humorous.’’

A former moderator, @shilolo (who is no longer with us) was kind enough to provide the answer that questions meant solely as a joke aren’t allowed. Sadly, I forgot that in the intervening 3 years, and got gigged last week for asking the following one: “Does this outfit make my ass look too small?” It got deep sixed for failing to meet Fluther’s quality standards.

So did I learn anything from @shilolo? Looks like I didn’t, but that’s just my first question. I have learned a great deal since. I’d list some of the notable information sources, but as you can see from my poor memory of Fluther Quality Standards, I’d be sure to omit too many and offend some, so I’ll just say thanks to all.

zensky's avatar

I miss the doc, too. I hope shilolo is here somewhere lurking.

wildpotato's avatar

This was my first question. The answers didn’t help me with my problem but they did make me feel like I wasn’t as alone in my hatred – which has persisted, by the way. Good to see those old faces.

geeky_mama's avatar

I have been around since 2009..but wasn’t a really “active” Flutherite until I asked this question in Jan. 2011.
The advice I received was so wonderful, timely and most of all KIND that I fell in instant lurve with @Jeruba, @wilma, @Judi and wonderful @augustlan.
Their responses, and my growing feeling of “knowing” people a bit (...for example, I really miss @MRSHINYSHOES…I really appreciated his thoughts / comments) made me spend more time on the site.

Fluther has taught me many new ideas, brought to my attention news stories I would have missed otherwise, introduced me to new music and has impressed me with the (large majority of) posters who are open-minded, patient and tolerant…it frankly gives me hope for the human race.

I’m not very good at coming up with questions (or, more specifically, I think of them..and think: “Oh, that would be good for Fluther!” and then forget them before I have a chance to post them… I have the short-term memory of a goldfish!)...but I read a lot more than I comment on..and my inner “know-it-all” sure likes trying to offer help to others.

LuckyGuy's avatar

Here is my first question. Basically, it was: Do I go with the younger doc with the more modern equipment or go with the older doc with more experience?
The comments helped validate my choice to go with the younger guy.
The PMs proved I was not the only one to feel the anguish of a scary diagnosis. IThey also showed there are some nice, caring people here.)

Rereading the question just now brought back memories – seems like a lifetime ago.
Whew! I am one Lucky Guy!

gailcalled's avatar

Originally I hung around because of the family connection and our wish to see Ben make a go of things. He obviously didn’t need me to make this site a success, but by the time that became clear, I was starting to enjoy myself.

Then, when Milo arrived in April of 2008, rather unceremoniously, I really did need help. Within a few days of his tenancy, he was at the vet’s with a fever and serious dehydration. I also was in need of a stay at the vet’s with an IV drip and meals on trays, but the vet said “No.” So, Fluther to the rescue.

Shippy's avatar

I don’t stay because of the brain boxes I stay for those who show compassion. Who show insight and take the time to read the question and answer in ways I had never thought of. Brains are a pound a penny. Real heart is rare.

zensky's avatar

@gailcalled What’s a little sad is that many won’t get that. But Fluther has to “progress” I guess. I just miss a lot of the old folks who’ve left us. Fluther wouldn’t be the same without you dear.

@Shippy Great answer.

@ Jellies – thanks for posting – this might turn out to be an invaluable thread. Sorry I singled out some and “ignored” the others – I’m neither feeling well nor focused of late.


geeky_mama's avatar

@Shippy you put that succinctly and eloquently – PERFECT answer.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Gosh…I came in on the wave of Immigrants from Wisdm. Didn’t come for any problem other than our home had been torn down with a wrecking ball.

We weren’t…well received at first. A little wild and crazy, what with Old Country habits and all. Sorry about that guys! I think one of my first questions was something like, “Do you guys feel like you were all quietly having drinks at the country club, by the poolside, being intelligent, thoughtful and gentle, when suddenly…a bunch of screaming savages burst out of the bushes and bonzied (sp) your swiming pool and started jumping nakid off your diving board, splashing and screaming like banshees?” That would be Wisdm…Sorry again.

And this
And….Well, here is all of them

Earthgirl's avatar

@Shippy Agreed. And a big heart combined with a big brain is rarer still. How many people do you know that fit that profile?

ETpro's avatar

@Shippy I’m already maudlin enough. I cry when paperclips get too bent to use. But if you know where brains are available at a penny per pound, please share where I can order some. You’d be helping an old man keep a roof over his head. And we’re due for 5 to 10 inches (12.7 to 25.4 cm) of snow tonight. So I really need a roof.

Dutchess_III's avatar

Hiding the bent paperclips….

jonsblond's avatar

The best help I’ve ever received was this evening. RealEyes saved my phototgraphs

ETpro's avatar

@Shippy We got 15 inches (38.1 cm) of snow. Quick, woman! Where can I buy some extra brains on the cheap? And no, I’m not looking for the kind the butcher’s shop sells.

Earthgirl's avatar

@ETpro I think you need a snow blower…..see? That didn’t take too much brains. Or perhaps some good hearted person will dig you out,lol.

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