Sorry about not getting back to this right away. I really appreciated the responses.
@JLeslie It seems as if you have a very balanced approached to this. It is true about the knife sticking out of your back thing. I think with chronic pain sufferers there is a certain amount of psychosomatic pain involved though. I think a part of that stems from constantly acting like there is no pain. That this is the new normal. It wears on a person. Chips them away. But no one sees or recognizes it and they start wondering themselves.
@Haleth White noise and chronic complainers do have a tendency to push people away. There must be a weird balance to it. Who knows what that is though.
@Pachyderm_In_The_Room I think we all secretly want to be taken care of. You make a good point about our heroes seemingly are impervious. I wonder if that is changing or people’s portrayals of heroes have always varied along the spectrum. Maybe we just all want to secretly believe we can get to a place where all the bad just rolls off. Hard to do an action sequence with someone limping and crying.
@Adirondackwannabe Wow that is an extreme incident. Perhaps you learn your lessons a little too well.
@rojo Wilderness heightens the of pain and the danger of wounds. I have been in a few scrape ups that I wondered if I would get out of just because of limited supplies the need for self reliance and few ill timed events. Though I will say I was thinking about zombies and bites when I read that. : )
@marinelife I am trying to learn too. It is hard. It feels silly and embarrassing. But I am being to think it is essential to my well being and feeling less isolated.
@burntbonez I used to agree 100%. But come to find out complaining does achieve something. Intangible somethings. It helps you feel less trapped within your pain and circumstance. It helps people find your humanity instead of cloaking it. And it prevents you from extending yourself too far. Or people’s expectations of you being too high. Hell. It helps reevaluate your own expectations of yourself and try to determine whether or not they are realistic.
@janbb Repressing stuff seems to cause more problems. I think some level of expression makes you stronger. You are strong enough to be vulnerable round others. You are also not trying to bury toxic pain underneath you. Meaning you are releasing it and allowing other things to feed and nourish you.
@SadieMartinPaul Hope you get to the bottom of that tooth pain. Oral hygiene is very important to your over all health.
@wundayatta I think that you are able to speak about your pain even if it is just in the past tense speaks of growth. I think your experiences help others and people appreciate you reaching out to them. Your pain is experience and you have turned it into something useful and positive. Good for you.
@BBawlight I guess the hard part is sometimes figuring out what is the dangerous pain or not. Sometimes things can start out pretty small and if not taking care of or properly managed turned into something else entirely.
I see what you mean though. The attention seekers. The people who seem to manipulate with pain.
@kitszu It had never occurred to me to see it quite this way. You are absolutely right. There is also danger being at either extreme. People either want to take you down to prove themselves or eventually grow weary of picking up theirs and yours.
@augustlan Nah I don’t think so. You have barely mentioned it on here. If people don’t accept you or are uncomfortable with it let them move on. Open book works for me. Chronic pain is mentally, emotionally draining. Not to mention physically. It is also depressing. Maintaining balance is hard enough with out trying not to inadvertently annoy some person who has no idea just how strong you have to be to put up with it.
@JLeslie Well said.
@Mariah Right you are.