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antimatter's avatar

What age will historians refer us to in 2000 years from now?

Asked by antimatter (4434points) February 27th, 2013

On Discovery Channel I saw documentaries about the stone age, iron age, bronze age and etc… In 2000 years from now what age will historians refer to when they make a documentary about the world we live in today and about our life styles.

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25 Answers

rebbel's avatar

Silicon Age?
Or Silicone Age?

CWOTUS's avatar

The dawning of the Age of Electricity.

janbb's avatar

Don’t think the world will still exist.

antimatter's avatar

@janbb lets hope humans will still be around.
@rebbel what about silicon implant age? He he he

CWOTUS's avatar

Of course it will, @janbb. And some bored reference librarian will be telling some unprepared kid of the day that he should have paid attention to the teacher in class when he went over this stuff.

rebbel's avatar

@antimatter That was what I was referring to ;-)

zenvelo's avatar

I like @CWOTUS idea of the Electrical Age.

Or maybe the Dawn of Energy Capture. Not much energy captured prior to 1830 except fire, wind, and gunpowder.

Jaxk's avatar

The computer age.

KNOWITALL's avatar

I’m pretty sure it’s called the Information Age.

ucme's avatar

The pwn-age, let the games begin.

BBawlight's avatar

The Idiot Age? Stone Age II? Haha.
Techno Age!

Pachy's avatar

The Age of Dissension

LostInParadise's avatar

The Secular Age (not quite there yet, but coming soon)

SadieMartinPaul's avatar

@janbb “Don’t think the world will still exist.”

The world will exist, but people will be long gone. This planet won’t miss humanity at all. In fact, the planet will thrive after we stop exploiting and polluting.

Ron_C's avatar

I think that this will be called the age of Stupidity. During the late 20th century and continuing today, people that graduate from high school or college are more ignorant than their predecessors. They graduate from high school and can’t read or cipher, they graduate college and can’t write a coherent paragraph. They learn greed and callousness and ignore arts and language. I remember wondering why I had to learn to read and write poetry, study state, federal, and world history and do many other “artistic” things. I intended to be and engineer, not a poet. Now in my final year, I understand.

People are not machines to be used then thrown away and the world is not a science experiment to be used and exploited. Now the arts make sense but it’s too late for younger people. They have been educationally abused and may never recover.

El_Cadejo's avatar

The age of Ignorance.

Seriously though, I thought this was considered the start of the Biological Age

dabbler's avatar


majorrich's avatar

The Second Dark Ages.

reijinni's avatar

The Collapse of Civilization brought to you by Wal-Mart.

Dutchess_III's avatar

The age of Crazy.

LostInParadise's avatar

Age of Limits. I mean this in two ways. Firstly, are the limits discovered by science and math: speed of light, uncertainty principle, Godel’s Theorem, butterfly effect. Secondly are the limits to the Earth’s resources that we run up against. In the past, there have been civilizations which depleted local resources. This is the first time that the situation is global.

basstrom188's avatar

The age of rampant aggressive irresponsible capitalism

woodcutter's avatar

The “oil age”

Dr_Lawrence's avatar

The age of selfish foolishness.

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