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Unbroken's avatar

In search of doggie sitting advice?

Asked by Unbroken (10754points) February 27th, 2013

I have been dogsitting a friendly rottweiler name Chewa.

She really is a great dog, a little needy and her parents, overfeed her but over all a sweetheart no problems at all.

Until last night, she grabbed my glasses from the nightstand and I assumed just took out one lens.

Upon getting back today, meanwhile she has a basement pen, I discovered she chewed the lens to pieces. One piece smaller then my pinky nail was completely gone.

Should I be worried about her health? Take her to the vet? She doesn’t seem to be in ay distress but still… something like this has never happened to me before. Do I have a reason to be concerned?

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8 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

I would call the vet in the morning. Glass won’t show up on an x-ray. Watch her carefully.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

I agree. Watch her. My dog has liver failure. So I can tell you that anything they eat that they cannot digest usually comes out within 24hours-48hours. I would be worried if you see any blood. But dogs have been known to eat things way bigger and pass them through no problem. If it was something that could cause a blockage I would go directly to the vet.

I would suggest keeping anything the dog can get a hold of up high. And it might be profitable to invest in a chewy like these are great my dogs love them.

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

And don’t be afraid to push a little. My dog couldn’t eat a bunch of years ago. I could see fear in his eyes. I went to the vet, he didn’t find anything at first. I forced the issue, he did x-rays and there was a rock stuck in there. I knew my dogs.Look him in the eyes.

CWOTUS's avatar

You won’t necessarily see “bloody stool” (or notice it, if you’re looking for “red”). Internal bleeding doesn’t manifest as a “red blood” look.

Look for a very dark, tarry mass in the dog’s stool. That’s evidence of internal bleeding, and worth a trip to the vet at that time.

Unbroken's avatar

Thanks everyone. The dog had a normal stool and I moved everything up high. We went for a walk and I massaged her sides she wasn’t in any sort of pain localized or otherwise.

I am still going to call the vet tomorrow. But I am unsure if I need to tell the “parents” I don’t want to worry them unnecessarily. They still have several days of vacation left.

And she does have a bone like that and several kongs as well as these giant animal bones. She just likes to chew.

nofurbelowsbatgirl's avatar

@rosehips the dog might be chewing because of the change. Sounds like she will be ok.
The worst that could happen from glass is cuts on the intestine from the glass. I dont think I suggest this but check out what this lady says to do.

Shippy's avatar

Sounds stressful.

Unbroken's avatar

The doggie made it. Thanks all for the good advice.

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