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ucme's avatar

What was the most recent thing that made you laugh?

Asked by ucme (50052points) February 28th, 2013

Thought i’d lighten the mood, it’s been like a morgue at midnight around here lately. So yeah, pretty straightforward stuff, let us know…only if ya wanna.

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38 Answers

fremen_warrior's avatar

Thanks for asking. At the moment, watching “The office” (looking for inspiration regarding behaviour to avoid in the workplace) – some scenes just leave me laughing like a madman xD (others just pain terrify me when I notice thought process parallels between me and <gulp> Dwight Schrute, or Michael. The… horror…)

KNOWITALL's avatar

These three rock stars came in today after being in LA for the last ten years and were making fun of our Midwest town, it was hilarious and all true. Bars or churches or strip joints everywhere- lol

And I agree, it’s been boring here lately. You always make me laugh @ucme!!

Argonon's avatar

My sister and I were recently discussing the fair and she mentioned the time she went on the teacup ride only to discover the last rider left a warm puddle of pee for her to unknowingly sit in. That story cracks me up every time. She tries to laugh along, but it was just so embarrassing for her.

ucme's avatar

@fremen_warrior Don’t know if you’ve seen the original Office, way better…Brent’s hilarious, in a cringe sorta way.
@KNOWITALL Sounds like a swell place to me, maybe i’ll come visit :¬)
@Argonon Ha, my son hated those bloody teacups, made him incredibly dizzy.

picante's avatar

You always make me laugh, @ucme. I was just thinking that you’re the cordial, funny emcee of Fluther. You, the emcee. And here I am staring at your name backwards . . .

em – c – u

It just doesn’t get any funnier than that ;-)

gasman's avatar

Watching an old episode of Futurama yesterday.

ucme's avatar

@picante U Can’t Touch This…Hammer time, that’s going backwards-in time at least.

jonsblond's avatar

Last night’s episode of Modern Family.

ucme's avatar

Yeah, I suppose i’d better answer myself, be rude not to. I laughed long & loud at last night’s episode of Derek, for those who don’t know, it’s a new comedy series by Ricky Gervais…very funny.

Seek's avatar

Ricky Gervais has a new series?


Seek's avatar

Netflix. Not Hulu. Netflix.

Frak. That’s another eight bucks a month.

livelaughlove21's avatar

Watching Friends bloopers on YouTube. Lisa Kudrow’s laugh is amazing.

Oh and @ucme, I’m going to have to wholeheartedly disagree that the UK version of The Office is “much better” than the US version. Then again, British humor tends to go over my head. I like Ricky Gervais, but nothing can beat the Jim/Dwight relationship.

diavolobella's avatar

@thorninmud I love that frog so much.

This makes me hysterical every time I watch it:

as does this:

ucme's avatar

@Seek_Kolinahr It’s just finished it’s first run on channel 4 over here & you should definitely see it at the first oppurtunity. It’s funny, but also touching in parts, Ricky has said if he’s asked to host next year’s oscars, he’d go as Derek…now that would be funny.
@livelaughlove21 That’s okay, you’re wrong of course, but no matter.

gailcalled's avatar

@thorninmud: Are you sure that that is not simply a spring peeper dipped in bread crumbs and ready for the sauté pan?

livelaughlove21's avatar

@ucme Yes, we’ll I’ve been on Fluther for nearly two years. By now, I’m used to being wrong. :)

ucme's avatar

@livelaughlove21 Haha, now that I can relate to, you’re not wrong there pet ;-}

Bellatrix's avatar

@syz recommended a book called Stiff by Mary Roach. It’s all about what happens to us after we are dead and while a serious read is written in a very humerous way. Reading this line after a particularly gruesome description “Ron used to like rice krispies” made me laugh out loud.

ucme's avatar

Snap, Crackle & Pop-ped off!

rooeytoo's avatar

I am a simple soul, we have rescued a neglected cockatoo and it is such fun watching him come out of his shell and interact with the dogs. He is still wary of us but talks and plays with the dogs. He throws his veggies at them, will gently peck a nosy nose now and again, is so inquisitive. I put his plum pits (his favorite treat) in an egg carton or clear water bottle and watch him figure out how to get to the pits! It is impossible to watch him without laughing! The cockatiel and dogs are always good for a laugh too!

marinelife's avatar

My husband called my cell to tell me that he had tripped at the top of the escalator while hurrying for the train that was about to pull out. He missed the train and a voice came over the loudspeaker and said, “Mew to Metro? Here are some tips to make your trip more pleasant.”

ragingloli's avatar

The passage on Rationalwiki about Ancient Aliens that reads “Excalibur? Alien power sword.”
I also adore the phrase “marauding sex pest”

marinelife's avatar

Oops, that was supposed to be New not Mew!

Berserker's avatar

Lol, so I’m playing a game called Risen 2. It’s a pirate game where you’re some pirate going around doing quests, stealing everything, and pretty much being an asshole all day, even if you’re helping people out and, as Nicholas Cage would say, savin’ deh fuckin day.

So my guy learned voodoo magic, and I can prepare dolls of people I want to posses. Then you posses the person and become them for a while, and you can do all sorts of fun things with this. Telling Inquisition commandants to drop watch on important places like ships and storage houses, then go back to your player and loot the places clean…posses a member of the high council and have him tell the truth about how he sold his brothers to betrayal, and then have him executed…

But today, the funniest thing occurred. Two members of an indigenous tribe, called the Maracais, are fighting it out for the title of chieftain. Both these guys need a ’‘halak’’, like a trustee squire who helps them in their battle. One of the tests was a test of wisdom, where the chieftain asks you three questions which you must answer correctly.

So I possessed my champion, and after flirting with all the girls in the village, went to the chieftain for the test.

He goes…what took so long for you to get here?

You have a bunch of dialogue choices to choose from. You can be serious, humble, apologetic or immature…guess what I did.

So I answer…I had to take a piss. Then the chieftain is all like, well, alright…are you ready for the test now?

One of the dialogue options was; wait, I gotta take a piss again. Then the chieftain gets all angry lmao.

I couldn’t stop laughing. Maybe it’s because I’m tired as hell, but it was hilarious.

ucme's avatar

Cheers funsters, laugh it up :D

mattbrowne's avatar

The two election clowns in Italy.

OpryLeigh's avatar

A colleague showed me a video of her one year old son falling over. The funniest part was that you can hear her laughing at him falling over on the video, no rushing over to make sure he was ok, just giggling at his misfortune! He was ok by the way, no injurys or even tears.

OpryLeigh's avatar

@ucme Usually I despise Ricky Gervais but I love Derek. It pulls at my heart strings but remains funny too. Very well written. I really enjoy Kerry Godliman’s role in it as well.

Seek's avatar

My 4 year old son singing “O Fortuna” – it’s my husband’s ringtone.

“Hey hey, Focus! Hey hey Focus! Hey hey oh no, uh oh!”

gailcalled's avatar

Seeing the first two clumps of snowdrops blooming, through the snow and hearing the red-winged blackbirds this morning. That means spring will come, in spite of my doubts.

ucme's avatar

@Leanne1986 I actually welled up a little in the episode where one resident died, Derek was in floods of tears & said it made him sad, but was glad she wasn’t sad anymore…really moving, but funny as hell.

Bellatrix's avatar

We haven’t got Derek here yet. I’m going to look out for it.

woodcutter's avatar

The other morning I wake up and the first thing I always do is void. Weird, I know. One of our cats has take up residence in the tub and sleeps on the handicap stool there. As I was lifting the seat the cat decided to jump there and landed right in he pot. Splash. He hopped out of there so fast I dont think he got very wet but wet enough to shake himself off on me. So we both get a bath first thing.

So glad the water was clean.

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