Meta Question

filmfann's avatar

What is that screaming coming from the 30K wing of Fluther mansion?

Asked by filmfann (52547points) February 28th, 2013

Oh my goodness! Vulcan invasion! No, wait… it’s ragingloli!
Can we give our Chief Science Officer a welcome aboard?

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45 Answers

Adirondackwannabe's avatar

Congrats ragingloli. Don’t always agree with you but you do bring an interesting perspective to fluther. Keep giving us Americans crap.:)

PhiNotPi's avatar


tom_g's avatar


filmfann's avatar

@ragingloli 30k is a huge accomplishment. Congo rats!

wilma's avatar


augustlan's avatar

Congratulations, loli!

janbb's avatar

Mazel Tov on the 30K.

mangeons's avatar

Congrats on reaching 30k! Keep on keepin’ on! :-)

Tropical_Willie's avatar

Oh my oh my. That’s a great thing ! !

wundayatta's avatar

Congratifications, there Ragingloli!

Congratulations, indeed!

I hope you don’t mind me saying that it’s nice to have such a conservative voice here on Fluther. ;-)

cookieman's avatar

Kick ass job Loli. Keep on raging!

tinyfaery's avatar

Woot woot. You can be an ass, sometimes, but that’s ok.


Bellatrix's avatar

Congratulations to you. You would have to be one of our most unusual jellies.

WillWorkForChocolate's avatar

Congratu NO.” -Grumpy Cat

wildpotato's avatar

Congratulations! Thanks for sticking around.

@filmfann We could name that wing after the Château de Silling, perhaps?

ETpro's avatar

Ragingloli. Having just been schooled by you on the need to debate definitions, let me say there is no need to debate whether you’re an outstanding addition to this community. You are the very definition of it. The jury is in on that. 30,000 yea votes.

Sunny2's avatar

Congratulations on sticking around and reaching 30 K. I must say, you take teasing with good humor. There’s a new room for you. They’re preparing special wall coverings for it. You can hardly see the padding!

Coloma's avatar

Rage against the lurve!
Cheers, you are worth your weight in amusement!

Berserker's avatar

That sound is of someone raping a cat. And I think we all know who’s doing that. Congrats, bro. :)


mazingerz88's avatar

I’m not late! ( I think ) CONGRATS!!! Btw, I meant to ask. Is @ragingloli’s last name POP?

Seaofclouds's avatar


Shippy's avatar

Congrats! and thank you for your unusual insights!!

ZEPHYRA's avatar

RAGING LOLICON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEEEhaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa well done, get out there on the 30K balcony and wave at the cheering jellies!!!!!!

Unbroken's avatar

There’s always lurve for lolcats and wit. Congrats!

rooeytoo's avatar

Your views are so far away from mine, I think that after all these years, I probably still have not yet maxed out on lurve for you. But I gotta say, you always make me think and at least try to view just about everything from an alien perspective! So congrats to you the raging one!

And everytime I see your name, my first thought is always of italian food.

Buttonstc's avatar

You are definitely a unique voice in the collective; I always enjoy reading your sardonic take on things. Nobody will ever get away with selling you any wooden nickels :)

30K is a damn fine accomplishment. Congrats.

chyna's avatar

Congrats! I don’t always agree with you, but I’m still glad you are here with your different views. Party is in full swing!

LuckyGuy's avatar

Herzlichen Glückwunsch! Now I will have to relearn my German.
The only thing I remember is gemütlichkeit and Ah sooo.

syz's avatar

Wow, congratulations!

Mama_Cakes's avatar

Woah, this is terribly bizarre, as I had a dream about you this morning, loli. I actually met you in my dream and you weren’t so bad. ;)


bookish1's avatar

Congratulations ragingloli! Thank you for sticking around.

Seek's avatar

Goddamn it, Loli made it there before me.

Never going to live this down.

bhec10's avatar



picante's avatar

Outragingloliously great! Congratulations to you!

AmWiser's avatar

Awesome! Congrats on 30K.

flutherother's avatar

30 Kongratulations @ragingloli The Fluther mansion won’t know what hit it.

Blueroses's avatar

Honestly, at first I thought I didn’t like you but further objective study proved that first reaction wasn’t “thought” at all. I appreciate the insight you bring and maxed out on lurve long ago


jca's avatar

I’m late to this party (as usual) but just FYI, you are soo hilarious! Congrats on the 30k!

Earthgirl's avatar

Congrats! I liked the debate definition you posted recently on ETPro’s thread.
I know I can count on hearing a different point of view when you are around!

tedibear's avatar

Congratulations! I admire that you have your convictions and you stick to them!

filmfann's avatar

@tedibear We are here to celebrate @ragingloli’s achievement, not discuss his convictions, which, as far as I know, are still on appeal.

tedibear's avatar

@filmfann – Someone needs to tell Auggie that we need a “Superlurve” button because you almost made me spit out my coffee. :D

fundevogel's avatar

@ragingloli I was ready to throw you a proper bacchanalia. Booze, sex, killing large beasts with our teeth and then I hear you already had a party. A party without anything to kill and then smear it’s blood on eachother. What the hell? So I brought my bull. I suggest we take him down to the bocce ball courts, strip and run him to the ground. We’ll see where it goes from there.

Lightlyseared's avatar

Well done!!!!!

FutureMemory's avatar

Way to go dude, righteous!

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